dxatscale / sfpowerscripts

A build system for modular development in Salesforce
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while creating a scratch org is it possible to have your managed and unmanged packages in your pooled orgs > #1410

Closed adarsha45 closed 1 year ago

adarsha45 commented 1 year ago

scenario : i have a project with multiple packages for example . { "path": "ext/form/force-app", "package": "ada User Interface", "versionName": "CQ Winter 2023", "versionNumber": "13.1.0.NEXT", "default": false, "dependencies": [ { "package": "cqadada" } ], "definitionFile": "config/project-scratch-def.json", "ancestorId": "HIGHEST" }, now how to create a pool with orgs already containing these packages , and is it possible to directly deploy the content of path (unmanaged ) instead of managed install ? if possible can i have a refrence project that have dependency installed ?

azlam-abdulsalam commented 1 year ago

@adarsha45 Please read the document here https://docs.dxatscale.io/sfpowerscripts/prepare

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