dymanoid / RealTime

A mod for the Cities: Skylines game. Adjusts the time flow and the citizens behavior to make them more real.
MIT License
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Citizen not found! #209

Closed pcfantasy closed 5 years ago

pcfantasy commented 5 years ago

Describe the bug A lot of Citizen not found in output.log, if disable RealTime mod, all thing is fine. I debug this for a while, it seems RealTime and TMPE release citizen instance twice? You can use harmony to add blow codes to monitor this strange behaviour.

    public static void CitizenManagerReleaseCitizenInstanceImplementationPreFix(ushort instance, ref CitizenInstance data)
            if (data.m_flags == CitizenInstance.Flags.None)
                DebugLog.LogToFileOnly("Error: release a already released citizeninstance" + Environment.StackTrace);
                DebugLog.LogToFileOnly("m_sourcebuilding = " + data.m_sourceBuilding);
                DebugLog.LogToFileOnly("m_targetbuilding = " + data.m_targetBuilding);

Additional mods You can get all the mods you needed in save file

Enabled Plugins:

Game log file See attachment

output_log.txt test5.zip

pcfantasy commented 5 years ago

@dymanoid I think I find the root cause.

You have a postfix to add ProcessWaitingForTransport() in ResidentAI.SimulationStep. In ProcessWaitingForTransport(), if a citizen is homeless, you will release this citizen. But after ResidentAI.SimulationStep, there are still other codes in HumanAI.SimulationStep to release citizens. Which will cause this issue.

I will modify this and test this fix, then give you a pull request for your review, thanks.

    private sealed class ResidentAI_SimulationStep : PatchBase
        protected override MethodInfo GetMethod()
            return typeof(ResidentAI).GetMethod("SimulationStep", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public, null, new Type[]
            }, new ParameterModifier[0]);

        private static void Postfix(ushort instanceID, ref CitizenInstance citizenData, ResidentAI __instance)
            if (ResidentAIPatch.RealTimeAI == null || instanceID == 0)
            if ((citizenData.m_flags & (CitizenInstance.Flags.WaitingTransport | CitizenInstance.Flags.WaitingTaxi)) != CitizenInstance.Flags.None)
                ResidentAIPatch.RealTimeAI.ProcessWaitingForTransport(__instance, citizenData.m_citizen, instanceID);
dymanoid commented 5 years ago

It turns out that 'releasing' a (resident) citizen, when their home building is not set, is generally wrong. The game will e.g. try to find a new home for a citizen whose housing was demolished.

I completely remove the releasing code for that part.

The game must cope with those citizens (either provide a new home or 'release' them). According to my tests, there are no negative effects in removing of the releasing code.