dymanoid / RealTime

A mod for the Cities: Skylines game. Adjusts the time flow and the citizens behavior to make them more real.
MIT License
98 stars 59 forks source link

Looks like Harmony 2 breaking some patches #274

Closed originalfoo closed 4 years ago

originalfoo commented 4 years ago

EDIT: Probably related to #264 ?

Noticed this in one of the support forums:

+ The 'Real Time' mod starts, game mode LoadGame.

+ The 'Real Time' mod will not change the citizens aging because a 'Lifecycle Rebalance' mod is active.

- Attempting to patch non-declared member virtual System.Boolean HumanAI::ArriveAtTarget(System.UInt16 instanceID, CitizenInstance& citizenData) (forbidden in Harmony 2.x)! Getting closest declared member for backwards compatibility...

- Attempting to patch non-declared member System.Boolean HumanAI::StartMoving(System.UInt32 citizenID, Citizen& data, System.UInt16 sourceBuilding, System.UInt16 targetBuilding) (forbidden in Harmony 2.x)! Getting closest declared member for backwards compatibility...

+ 23 Harmony method patches with ID 'com.cities_skylines.dymanoid.realtime' successfully applied.


dymanoid commented 4 years ago

This is a duplicate of #264.