dyrnq / local-haproxy

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[WARNING] (21) : Server backend_8443/server_0 is DOWN, reason: Layer6 invalid response, info: "SSL handshake failure" #2

Open dyrnq opened 2 months ago

dyrnq commented 2 months ago
[WARNING]  (21) : Server backend_8443/server_0 is DOWN, reason: Layer6 invalid response, info: "SSL handshake failure", check duration: 0ms. 0 active and 0 backup servers left. 0 sessions active, 0 requeued, 0 remaining in queue.
dyrnq commented 2 months ago
frontend frontend_8443
  mode tcp
  bind name frontend_8443
  default_backend backend_8443

backend backend_8443
  description backend_8443
  mode tcp
  balance roundrobin
  option httpchk GET /livez
  http-check expect status 200
  server server_0 check check-ssl verify none send-proxy
[NOTICE]   (1) : haproxy version is 3.0.3-95a607c
[NOTICE]   (1) : path to executable is /usr/local/sbin/haproxy
[WARNING]  (1) : config : parsing [/usr/local/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:46] : 'option httplog' not usable with frontend 'frontend_8443' (needs 'mode http'). Falling back to 'option tcplog'.
[WARNING]  (1) : config : 'option forwardfor' ignored for frontend 'frontend_8443' as it requires HTTP mode.
[WARNING]  (1) : config : 'option forwardfor' ignored for backend 'backend_8443' as it requires HTTP mode.
[NOTICE]   (1) : New worker (21) forked
[NOTICE]   (1) : Loading success.
[WARNING]  (21) : Server backend_8443/server_0 is DOWN, reason: Layer6 invalid response, info: "SSL handshake failure", check duration: 0ms. 0 active and 0 backup servers left. 0 sessions active, 0 requeued, 0 remaining in queue.
[ALERT]    (21) : backend 'backend_8443' has no server available!