dzurikmiroslav / esp32-evse

ESP32 EVSE firmware
GNU General Public License v3.0
56 stars 21 forks source link

How to Compile Project? #35

Open aapocan opened 6 months ago

aapocan commented 6 months ago

Hi everyone, thanks for project @dzurikmiroslav . I have used only Arduino IDE before. Now, i have eclipse with esp tools for this project. I did examples project blink etc. I open this project in eclipse and I couldn't do anything else. thank you for your help

dzurikmiroslav commented 6 months ago

In Eclipse, it is not enough to just open the project as a Makefile project, it is necessary to use the import an existing IDF project from the idf-eclipse-plugin.

I've been using VSCode with ESP-IDF for a long time now, I found Eclipse quite complicated, and I didn't enjoy reinstalling a configuring idf-eclipse-plugin after every new release ;-)

After checkouting code did you fetch GIT submodules? Please execute: git submodule update --init --recursive

aapocan commented 5 months ago

Thanks for your help. I think I managed to compile and install it. I haven't tried it on a car yet. The TL081CP seems to overheat when the circuit is idle, is this a problem?

dzurikmiroslav commented 5 months ago

The operational amplifier should not produce much heat (no more than the ESP32). Do you have a genuine part? I managed to buy a bunch of fake parts on AliExpress :)

aapocan commented 4 months ago

Yes I changed it and the problem was solved, thank you. Now I'm trying it on the car, but it gives a warning waiting for authorization.

I click on the authorization button. but there is no connection WhatsApp Görsel 2024-02-10 saat 18 05 12_f8c5a2e2

dzurikmiroslav commented 4 months ago

It seems that the detects pilot state B even when no EV is connected... Which is voltage on CP? When has no EV connection (state A) it should be about 12V.

Problem should be caused by:

I recommend you read the wiki about callibarion of CP