e4nu / e4nuanalysiscode

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GENIE G4 #67

Closed jtenavidal closed 1 year ago

jtenavidal commented 1 year ago

Some occasional crash

1690205249 NOTICE gevgen : [n] <gEvGen.cxx::GenerateEventsAtFixedInitState (336)> :  *** Generating event............ 3567
1690205249 NOTICE HG4BertCascIntranuke : [n] <HG4BertCascIntranuke.cxx::SetTrackingRadius (354)> : Setting tracking radius to R = 9.6156
1690205249 NOTICE gevgen : [n] <gEvGen.cxx::GenerateEventsAtFixedInitState (348)> : Generated Event GHEP Record: 

|GENIE GHEP Event Record [print level:   3]                                                                        |
| Idx |          Name | Ist |        PDG |   Mother  | Daughter  |      Px |      Py |      Pz |       E |      m  | 
|   0 |            e- |   0 |         11 |  -1 |  -1 |   4 |   4 |   0.000 |   0.000 |   2.261 |   2.261 |   0.001 | 
|   1 |           C12 |   0 | 1000060120 |  -1 |  -1 |   2 |   3 |   0.000 |   0.000 |   0.000 |  11.175 |  11.175 | 
|   2 |        proton |  11 |       2212 |   1 |  -1 |   5 |   5 |   0.071 |   0.041 |  -0.070 |   0.922 | **0.938 | M = 0.915 
|   3 |           B11 |   2 | 1000050110 |   1 |  -1 |  10 |  12 |  -0.071 |  -0.041 |   0.070 |  10.253 |  10.253 | 
|   4 |            e- |   1 |         11 |   0 |  -1 |  -1 |  -1 |  -0.215 |  -0.051 |   2.187 |   2.198 |   0.001 | P = (0.098,0.023,-0.995)
|   5 |        proton |  14 |       2212 |   2 |  -1 |  -1 |  -1 |   0.286 |   0.092 |   0.005 |   0.985 |   0.938 | 
|   6 |        proton |   1 |       2212 |  -1 |  -1 |  -1 |  -1 |   0.105 |   0.050 |  -0.016 |   0.946 |   0.938 | 
|   7 |       neutron |   1 |       2112 |  -1 |  -1 |  -1 |  -1 |   0.079 |   0.084 |   0.056 |   0.948 |   0.940 | 
|   8 |         gamma |   1 |         22 |  -1 |  -1 |  -1 |  -1 |   0.000 |   0.001 |  -0.000 |   0.001 |   0.000 | 
|   9 |         gamma |   1 |         22 |  -1 |  -1 |  -1 |  -1 |  -0.000 |  -0.000 |   0.000 |   0.000 |   0.000 | 
|  10 |            H2 |   1 | 1000010020 |   3 |   0 |  -1 |  -1 |   0.004 |   0.124 |   0.072 |   1.881 |   1.876 | 
|  11 |           He4 |   1 | 1000020040 |   3 |   0 |  -1 |  -1 |  -0.029 |  -0.015 |  -0.021 |   3.728 |   3.727 | 
|  12 |           He4 |  15 | 1000020040 |   3 |  -1 |  -1 |  -1 |   0.056 |  -0.192 |  -0.017 |   3.734 |   3.727 | 
|       Fin-Init:                                                |  -0.000 |  -0.000 |  -0.000 |  -0.001 |         | 
|       Vertex:             e- @ (x =     0.00000 m, y =     0.00000 m, z =     0.00000 m, t =    0.000000e+00 s)  |
| Err flag [bits:15->0] : 0000000000000000    |  1st set:                                                     none | 
| Err mask [bits:15->0] : 1111111111111111    |  Is unphysical:    NO |   Accepted:   YES                          |
| sig(Ev) =       3.35944e-29 cm^2  | dsig(Q2;E)/dQ2 =          8.07790e-29 cm^2/GeV^2 | Weight =          1.00000 |

GENIE Interaction Summary
[-] [Init-State] 
 |--> probe        : PDG-code = 11 (e-)
 |--> nucl. target : Z = 6, A = 12, PDG-Code = 1000060120 (C12)
 |--> hit nucleon  : PDC-Code = 2212 (proton)
 |--> hit quark    : no set
 |--> probe 4P     : (E =     2.261000, Px =     0.000000, Py =     0.000000, Pz =     2.261000)
 |--> target 4P    : (E =    11.174863, Px =     0.000000, Py =     0.000000, Pz =     0.000000)
 |--> nucleon 4P   : (E =     0.921755, Px =     0.070841, Py =     0.040529, Pz =    -0.069544)
[-] [Process-Info]  
 |--> Interaction : EM
 |--> Scattering  : QES
[-] [Kinematics]
 |--> *Selected* Bjorken x = 0.543826
 |--> *Selected* Inelasticity y = 0.020647
 |--> *Selected* Momentum transfer Q2 (>0) = 0.050333
 |--> *Selected* Hadronic invariant mass W = 0.938272
[-] [Exclusive Process Info] 
 |--> charm prod.  : false |--> strange prod.  : false
 |--> f/s nucleons : N(p) = 0 N(n) = 0
 |--> f/s pions    : N(pi^0) = 0 N(pi^+) = 0 N(pi^-) = 0
 |--> f/s Other    : N(gamma) = 0 N(Rho^0) = 0 N(Rho^+) = 0 N(Rho^-) = 0
 |--> resonance    : [not set]
 |--> final quark prod.  : false
 |--> final lepton prod.  : false

1690205249 NOTICE gevgen : [n] <gEvGen.cxx::GenerateEventsAtFixedInitState (336)> :  *** Generating event............ 3568
1690205249 NOTICE HG4BertCascIntranuke : [n] <HG4BertCascIntranuke.cxx::SetTrackingRadius (354)> : Setting tracking radius to R = 9.6156
1690205249 ERROR PDG : [n] <PDGLibrary.cxx::Find (93)> : Requested missing particle with PDG: 1000080110
1690205249 FATAL GHepParticle : [n] <GHepParticle.cxx::AssertIsKnownParticle (539)> : 
** You are attempting to insert particle with PDG code = 1000080110 into the event record.
** This particle can not be found in $GENIE/data/evgen/catalogues/pdg/genie_pdg_table.txt
jtenavidal commented 1 year ago

$GENIE/data/evgen/catalogues/pdg/genie_pdg_table.txt Oxigen 11 isotope not available

jtenavidal commented 1 year ago

Problem non existent for MEC Empirial using neutrinos

jtenavidal commented 1 year ago

gevgen -n 10000 -p 11 -e 2.261 -t 1000060120 --tune G18_10d_00_000 --cross-sections G18_10d_nuclei_Q2_def_total_xsec.xml --event-generator-list EM --seed 65539

jtenavidal commented 1 year ago

Crash output:

1690281231 NOTICE gevgen : [n] <gEvGen.cxx::GenerateEventsAtFixedInitState (336)> :  *** Generating event............ 3568
 Process event 

|GENIE GHEP Event Record [print level:   3]                                                                        |
| Idx |          Name | Ist |        PDG |   Mother  | Daughter  |      Px |      Py |      Pz |       E |      m  | 
|   0 |            e- |   0 |         11 |  -1 |  -1 |   4 |   4 |   0.000 |   0.000 |   2.261 |   2.261 |   0.001 | 
|   1 |           C12 |   0 | 1000060120 |  -1 |  -1 |   2 |   3 |   0.000 |   0.000 |   0.000 |  11.175 |  11.175 | 
|   2 |       neutron |  11 |       2112 |   1 |  -1 |   5 |   5 |   0.016 |   0.112 |  -0.036 |   0.920 | **0.940 | M = 0.913 
|   3 |           C11 |   1 | 1000060110 |   1 |  -1 |  -1 |  -1 |  -0.016 |  -0.112 |   0.036 |  10.255 |  10.254 | 
|   4 |            e- |   1 |         11 |   0 |  -1 |  -1 |  -1 |   0.138 |  -0.011 |   1.945 |   1.950 |   0.001 | P = (-0.071,0.006,-0.997)
|   5 |      HadrSyst |  12 | 2000000001 |   2 |  -1 |   6 |   7 |  -0.121 |   0.122 |   0.280 |   1.231 | **0.000 | M = 1.186 
|   6 |        proton |  14 |       2212 |   5 |  -1 |  -1 |  -1 |  -0.139 |   0.200 |   0.077 |   0.972 |   0.938 | 
|   7 |           pi- |  14 |       -211 |   5 |  -1 |  -1 |  -1 |   0.017 |  -0.077 |   0.203 |   0.259 |   0.140 | 
|       Fin-Init:                                                |   0.121 |  -0.122 |  -0.280 |  -1.231 |         | 
|       Vertex:             e- @ (x =     0.00000 m, y =     0.00000 m, z =     0.00000 m, t =    0.000000e+00 s)  |
| Err flag [bits:15->0] : 0000000000000000    |  1st set:                                                     none | 
| Err mask [bits:15->0] : 1111111111111111    |  Is unphysical:    NO |   Accepted:   YES                          |
| sig(Ev) =       2.43153e-30 cm^2  | d2sig(x,y;E)/dxdy =       7.19287e-29 cm^2       | Weight =          1.00000 |

GENIE Interaction Summary
[-] [Init-State] 
 |--> probe        : PDG-code = 11 (e-)
 |--> nucl. target : Z = 6, A = 12, PDG-Code = 1000060120 (C12)
 |--> hit nucleon  : PDC-Code = 2112 (neutron)
 |--> hit quark    : PDC-Code = 2 (u) [valence]
 |--> probe 4P     : (E =     2.261000, Px =     0.000000, Py =     0.000000, Pz =     2.261000)
 |--> target 4P    : (E =    11.174863, Px =     0.000000, Py =     0.000000, Pz =     0.000000)
 |--> nucleon 4P   : (E =     0.920162, Px =     0.016454, Py =     0.111531, Pz =    -0.035750)
[-] [Process-Info]  
 |--> Interaction : EM
 |--> Scattering  : DIS
[-] [Kinematics]
 |-->  *Running* Hadronic invariant mass W = 1.186371
 |--> *Selected* Bjorken x = 0.037070
 |--> *Selected* Inelasticity y = 0.138086
 |--> *Selected* Momentum transfer Q2 (>0) = 0.022127
 |--> *Selected* Hadronic invariant mass W = 1.186371
[-] [Exclusive Process Info] 
 |--> charm prod.  : false |--> strange prod.  : false
 |--> f/s nucleons : N(p) = 0 N(n) = 0
 |--> f/s pions    : N(pi^0) = 0 N(pi^+) = 0 N(pi^-) = 0
 |--> f/s Other    : N(gamma) = 0 N(Rho^0) = 0 N(Rho^+) = 0 N(Rho^-) = 0
 |--> resonance    : [not set]
 |--> final quark prod.  : false
 |--> final lepton prod.  : false

1690281231 NOTICE HG4BertCascIntranuke : [n] <HG4BertCascIntranuke.cxx::SetTrackingRadius (356)> : Setting tracking radius to R = 9.6156
1690281231 ERROR PDG : [n] <PDGLibrary.cxx::Find (93)> : Requested missing particle with PDG: 1000080110
1690281231 FATAL GHepParticle : [n] <GHepParticle.cxx::AssertIsKnownParticle (539)> : 
** You are attempting to insert particle with PDG code = 1000080110 into the event record.
** This particle can not be found in $GENIE/data/evgen/catalogues/pdg/genie_pdg_table.txt

It seems a very unusual crash... I cannot reproduce it without the exact setup above. can we simply add O11? Produced only after DIS scattering.

jtenavidal commented 1 year ago
1690283540 NOTICE gevgen : [n] <gEvGen.cxx::GenerateEventsAtFixedInitState (348)> : Generated Event GHEP Record: 

|GENIE GHEP Event Record [print level:   3]                                                                        |
| Idx |          Name | Ist |        PDG |   Mother  | Daughter  |      Px |      Py |      Pz |       E |      m  | 
|   0 |            e- |   0 |         11 |  -1 |  -1 |   4 |   4 |   0.000 |   0.000 |   2.261 |   2.261 |   0.001 | 
|   1 |           C12 |   0 | 1000060120 |  -1 |  -1 |   2 |   3 |   0.000 |   0.000 |   0.000 |  11.175 |  11.175 | 
|   2 |       neutron |  11 |       2112 |   1 |  -1 |   5 |   5 |   0.016 |   0.112 |  -0.036 |   0.920 | **0.940 | M = 0.913 
|   3 |           C11 |   2 | 1000060110 |   1 |  -1 |  10 |  10 |  -0.016 |  -0.112 |   0.036 |  10.255 |  10.254 | 
|   4 |            e- |   1 |         11 |   0 |  -1 |  -1 |  -1 |   0.138 |  -0.011 |   1.945 |   1.950 |   0.001 | P = (-0.071,0.006,-0.997)
|   5 |      HadrSyst |  12 | 2000000001 |   2 |  -1 |   6 |   7 |  -0.121 |   0.122 |   0.280 |   1.231 | **0.000 | M = 1.186 
|   6 |        proton |  14 |       2212 |   5 |  -1 |  -1 |  -1 |  -0.139 |   0.200 |   0.077 |   0.972 |   0.938 | 
|   7 |           pi- |  14 |       -211 |   5 |  -1 |  -1 |  -1 |   0.017 |  -0.077 |   0.203 |   0.259 |   0.140 | 
|   8 |       neutron |   1 |       2112 |  -1 |  -1 |  -1 |  -1 |   0.076 |  -0.195 |   0.210 |   0.985 |   0.940 | 
|   9 |           pi- |   1 |       -211 |  -1 |  -1 |  -1 |  -1 |   0.047 |   0.094 |  -0.049 |   0.181 |   0.140 | 
|  10 |           O11 |  15 | 1000080110 |   3 |  -1 |  -1 |  -1 |  -0.261 |   0.112 |   0.155 |  10.317 | *11.206 | M = 10.312 
|       Fin-Init:                                                |  -0.000 |   0.000 |   0.000 |  -0.002 |         | 
|       Vertex:             e- @ (x =     0.00000 m, y =     0.00000 m, z =     0.00000 m, t =    0.000000e+00 s)  |
| Err flag [bits:15->0] : 0000000000000000    |  1st set:                                                     none | 
| Err mask [bits:15->0] : 1111111111111111    |  Is unphysical:    NO |   Accepted:   YES                          |
| sig(Ev) =       2.43153e-30 cm^2  | d2sig(x,y;E)/dxdy =       7.19287e-29 cm^2       | Weight =          1.00000 |

GENIE Interaction Summary
[-] [Init-State] 
 |--> probe        : PDG-code = 11 (e-)
 |--> nucl. target : Z = 6, A = 12, PDG-Code = 1000060120 (C12)
 |--> hit nucleon  : PDC-Code = 2112 (neutron)
 |--> hit quark    : PDC-Code = 2 (u) [valence]
 |--> probe 4P     : (E =     2.261000, Px =     0.000000, Py =     0.000000, Pz =     2.261000)
 |--> target 4P    : (E =    11.174863, Px =     0.000000, Py =     0.000000, Pz =     0.000000)
 |--> nucleon 4P   : (E =     0.920162, Px =     0.016454, Py =     0.111531, Pz =    -0.035750)
[-] [Process-Info]  
 |--> Interaction : EM
 |--> Scattering  : DIS
[-] [Kinematics]
 |-->  *Running* Hadronic invariant mass W = 1.186371
 |--> *Selected* Bjorken x = 0.037070
 |--> *Selected* Inelasticity y = 0.138086
 |--> *Selected* Momentum transfer Q2 (>0) = 0.022127
 |--> *Selected* Hadronic invariant mass W = 1.186371
[-] [Exclusive Process Info] 
 |--> charm prod.  : false |--> strange prod.  : false
 |--> f/s nucleons : N(p) = 0 N(n) = 0
 |--> f/s pions    : N(pi^0) = 0 N(pi^+) = 0 N(pi^-) = 0
 |--> f/s Other    : N(gamma) = 0 N(Rho^0) = 0 N(Rho^+) = 0 N(Rho^-) = 0
 |--> resonance    : [not set]
 |--> final quark prod.  : false
 |--> final lepton prod.  : false
jtenavidal commented 1 year ago

Wrong things:

jtenavidal commented 1 year ago


jtenavidal commented 1 year ago


jtenavidal commented 1 year ago

moved the discussion here: https://github.com/GENIE-MC/Generator/issues/305