eBay / ebay-oauth-python-client

Python OAuth SDK: Get OAuth tokens for eBay public APIs
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Python 3 support #2

Open ghost opened 5 years ago

ghost commented 5 years ago

Given python 2 support ceases on 01/01/2020, just 4 months away at the time of writing, it seems odd to have chosen to support python 2 at all let alone solely. It would be great to port this over to python 3.

cwcatherine commented 5 years ago

@spelga Thank you for your comment. Completely agree. I would like to have this be in Python 3 but do not currently have the bandwidth to do the conversion. Given this is as an open source project, anyone is welcome to port this to 3. Thank you.

Johennes commented 5 years ago

I think the code actually is compatible with Python 3. At least I'm able to run the tests using Python 3 after fixing the print ... statements to print(...) in the test files. I didn't have to make any changes to the actual code.

brooketalcott commented 4 years ago

This is a fairly new repository, @cwcatherine, is backwards python compatibility a concern? I have a successful test with minimal changes here https://github.com/eBay/ebay-oauth-python-client/compare/master...brooketalcott:python3 (3.6+)

3.5 is EOL in September 2020

Happy to open a PR if this is acceptable

carlcrott commented 4 years ago

Does someone have a working example of this "OAuth2 Flow" I would like to post to createItemDraft and the process is kind of obnoxious, to the point where I've started paying ebay to give me working examples lol

Does anyone happen to have this working with:

sanidhyaagrawal commented 4 years ago

@carlcrott did you find examples for-

createItemDraft OAuth2 Scope: https://api.ebay.com/oauth/api_scope/sell.item.draft

as you mentioned above? I am working on something similar, would be a great help if you can provide?

umarsear commented 2 years ago

This is a fairly new repository, @cwcatherine, is backwards python compatibility a concern? I have a successful test with minimal changes here master...brooketalcott:python3 (3.6+)

3.5 is EOL in September 2020

Happy to open a PR if this is acceptable

Was helpful for me, thanks.

matecsaj commented 2 years ago

You are welcome to harvest bits from here https://github.com/matecsaj/ebay_rest/blob/main/src/ebay_rest/token.py

or use the whole library. https://github.com/matecsaj/ebay_rest

umarsear commented 2 years ago


I am struggling a little with how to use the Rest-API. I was hoping to be able to keep the token minting and the API implementations separate. I can't see how I can make an API call with an existing access-token.

I already have a working solution to mint tokens (plan to extend it to be used by multiple applications) and want to be able to call, say the fulfillment API to get orders, but can't figure out how to construct the call and pass in the token and other parameters.

matecsaj commented 2 years ago

Please clarify, are you struggling to:

  1. use something like the Python Requests library to make the RESTful API call
  2. use Swagger-generated API code
  3. use the ebay-rest pip library that I made
  4. or something else?