eBay / parallec-samples

Single file examples and ready-to-use servers show how to use parallec.io library. Examples to aggregate APIs and publish to Elastic Search and Kafka, and many more. www.parallec.io
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As a server? #5

Closed renderit closed 8 years ago

renderit commented 8 years ago

Great work with this! Wanted to know if it can be used on the server side to handle requests too? Or is it only be used as a client, sending gets and posts requests? I'm trying to make a server capable of handling massive amounts of post requests coming in! Any suggestions?

jeffpeiyt commented 8 years ago

Thanks @renderit for your interests. I feel Parallec is more for a client. At server side parallec will still be a client if your request handling logic internally need to open new request to other server.

Have you considered just using Async IO web server such as Netty? http://programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/112818/are-there-any-non-blocking-web-servers-for-java

renderit commented 8 years ago

@jeffpeiyt Right! Sure.. I din't know facebook is using tornado.. I heard node js itself is capable of handle 4 times that of tornado, since it complies down to assembly code. Hm thanks, if there are any other recommendations, let me know :) Thanks

jeffpeiyt commented 8 years ago

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