eBay / skin

Pure CSS framework designed & developed by eBay for a branded, e-commerce marketplace.
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Rive animation support #2274

Open randybascue opened 7 months ago

randybascue commented 7 months ago


We have plans to utilize Rive for animations in the future.


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Figma link

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Engineering pre-requisites

ianmcburnie commented 7 months ago

Hmm, isn't this a return to the world of proprietary runtimes and non web standards - a la Flash- which everybody agreed was a bad thing. What am I missing here? Have we considered tools that output SVG or GIF without requiring a run time?

ianmcburnie commented 6 months ago

One of the main things I'd be concerned about with green lighting Rive, not least from an accessibility perspective:

We have customers shipping full UI with Rive!


ArtBlue commented 6 months ago

The runtime library file size, loading roundtrip, requiring js, potential placeholders for async loaded assets, etc. may not matter as much in the world of native apps since apps are bundled and downloaded prior to use and people using apps have a different set of expectations.

On the web things are very different. Everything is more or less a runtime experience. Even bundled assets get impacted at use since inclusion of additional runtimes in bundles impacts page loading speeds. Also, when the runtime is bundled with other assets, all users are impacted, whether they ever encounter a page with an animation or not.

Tools that export animations directly to svg and do not require js are far more preferable. The individual animation svg is a native element and inherently has far more implementation flexibility. It would also not require a runtime that would increase bundle sizes and impact page loading speeds.

Further evaluation may be necessary (the purpose of this issue), but one such tool appears to be https://www.svgator.com/.