ebailey78 / shinyBS

Twitter Bootstrap Components for Shiny
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shinyBS is a package that adds several additional Twitter Boostrap components to shiny. In January RStudio updated shiny to work with Bootstrap3 which completely broke the original shinyBS. I have updated shinyBS to work with the newest versions of shiny.

After several rounds of revisions, shinyBS v0.61 was accepted by CRAN on March 31st, 2015 and is available for install with install.packages()


Not all functionality that was in the previous versions was kept in this new version. Partly because of time constraints and partly because of some functionality being removed from Bootstrap.

Features that remain in shinyBS 0.61 include:

Features that are not included in shinyBS 0.61 include:

Now that this version has been been accepted by CRAN I will start working on updates and added functionality. If you have a request please open an issue and let me know. Thanks!