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quinoprotein and flavoproetien cofactors #434

Open muthuvenkat opened 16 years ago

muthuvenkat commented 16 years ago

Article 16042592 says "Enzymes have evolved to catalyse these reactions and these oxidoreductases can be grouped into the flavoprotein and quinoprotein families." and identifies CTQ, LTQ, TTQ, PQQ and PPQ as cofactors of the quinoprotein families. All of them are prosthetic groups (references: 12974623, 9003352, 12686138, 15234265). I therefore suggest to create two new is_a children of prosthetic group (CHEBI:26348), namely "quinoprotein cofactor" and "flavoprotein cofactor". CHEBI:20251 seems to be a (the only?) TTQ cofactor and should thus be shifted to be a child of TTQ cofactor and CHEBI:20489 of TPQ cofactor. Also pyrroloquinoline cofactor (CHEBI:26461) could be an is_a child of quinoprotein cofactors.

In ChEBI entry 18315 it is stated that pyrroloquinoline quinone (CHEBI:18315) is a water-soluble vitamin (CHEBI:27314), but in the synonyms it doesn't say which vitamin it is (and since you don't restrict vitamins to essential nutrition parts for HUMANS, the organism for which it is a vitamin would be interesting).

Analogous to the quinoprotein cofactors, 24040 (FADs) and 24041 (FMNs) should be moved to become children of flavoprotein cofactors.

If possible please chack all links and entities involved.

Reported by: grotten_olm

muthuvenkat commented 16 years ago

Original comment by: grotten_olm

muthuvenkat commented 16 years ago

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pyrroloquinoline quinone (CHEBI:18315) is a water-soluble vitamin (CHEBI:27314) see for example http://www.brain.riken.jp/labs/mdmd/pqq/index-e.html and Nature paper linked to it


Original comment by: kiri11