ebitkov / build-symfony

Github Action for building and testing Symfony apps
MIT License
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action github-action symfony

Build Symfony action

This action builds a Symfony app. You can optionally enable webpack asset building with NPM and testing with PHPUnit.

The build can be saved to the GitHub Action Cache and restored in other steps or jobs.


- uses: ebitkov/build-symfony@v1
    # Whether to build webpack assets with NPM.
    # Default: false
    build-webpack-assets: ''

    # Whether to save the build to cache for later reuse.
    # Default: false
    cache-build: ''

    # Prefix used for the build cache key.
    # github.run_id is always appended to the end.
    # Default: 'symfony-build-'
    cache-key-prefix: ''

    # Additional Composer dependencies to install.
    # Runs after the main installation.
    # Accepts flex aliases and full package names with version constraints.
    # Multiple dependencies can be defined as space-separated (e.g. 'twig symfony/doctrine-bundle')
    # Default: null
    composer-additional-dependencies: ''

    # Additional options passed to Composer on installation.
    # --no-interaction --no-progress --ansi are added automatically.
    # Default: '--prefer-dist'
    composer-options: ''

    # GitHub Access Token.
    # Passed to Composer for authentication.
    # Default: ''
    github-token: ''

    # PHP extensions to install.
    # String in CSV format.
    # Default: 'mbstring, xml, ctype, iconv, intl, pdo, pdo_mysql, dom, filter, gd, json'
    php-extensions: ''

    # PHP version to use.
    # Default: 8.2
    php-version: ''

    # Repository to fetch, passed to action/checkout.
    # See https://github.com/actions/checkout for more details.
    # Mainly used for internal testing.
    # Default: ${{ github.repository }}
    repository: ''

    # Whether to run tests with PHPUnit.
    # Installs PHPUnit automatically, if enabled.
    # Default: false
    run-tests: ''

    # APP_ENV value.
    # Default: 'dev'
    symfony-environment: ''

    # Whether to download Git-LFS files.
    # Default: false
    lfs: ''

Reusing build files in other jobs

    # ...
      cache-key: ${{ steps.build.outputs.cache-key }}
        - id: build
          uses: ebitkov/build-symfony@v1
            cache-build: true

    # ...
      - needs: build
        uses: actions/cache/restore@v3
          key: ${{ needs.build.outputs.cache-key }}
          path: ./
          fail-on-cache-miss: true

      - # next steps ...