ebshimizu / stats-of-the-storm

A Heroes of the Storm replay parsing and stat tracking application
MIT License
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Damage Distribution & Location Statistics #255

Open Exerosis opened 6 years ago

Exerosis commented 6 years ago

I would really love to be able to check who did how much damage to what. For example, let's say the losing team's Li-Ming(my main) has the highest damage and 0 deaths but the ETC died 5 times. One could conclude that she did her job and the ETC failed as a tank. However, if 85% of that damage was to the twin blades Varian and Diablo who died one time each. Then chances are she was just shooting orbs into the frontline from behind the ETC. In which case it wouldn't be surprising for the ETC to have died to their backline or have gone in for moshes that had no followup. So really I would say the Ming failed as DPS rather than the ETC, although it could be that both failed obviously.

I think this kind of functionality would be super helpful no matter what role you played. The tanks that blocked Ming may want to work to reproduce the situation, the Ming might need to work on figuring out how to flank better against that kind of team comp, etc.

The other thing I would like to see is a heatmap and tracer lines for each character on top of the minimap. It would be nice to be able to see where people went a lot as well as when they were in what kinds of positions.

ebshimizu commented 6 years ago

thanks for the feedback! I too, would like to see damage breakdown per target, but that's just not possible with the current replay format provided by blizzard. When/if they add that info to the replay, I'll add it in to the app.

Heatmaps are something I've considered doing for a while. It's a somewhat complicated process, as I don't currently track hero locations using all of the possible location data. I have plans to add better location data to the parser, but this particular issue (location stats) may be more of a long-term project.

Edit: Location data issue can be tracked on the parser's page: https://github.com/ebshimizu/hots-parser/issues/14

Exerosis commented 6 years ago

Is there some form of documentation for replays? I'd love to look through it. How is it possible to view the damage being dealt to various heroes in hots but yet the information is not available in the file?

ebshimizu commented 6 years ago

We can see total damage dealt to heroes, but we do not know the source of that damage (so if Diablo has taken 20k damage, there's no way to know what % of that was from Li-Ming). I have documented what I've found here: https://ebshimizu.github.io/stats-of-the-storm/hots-replay-data.html but the best way to see what's in it is to run Blizzard's official heroprotocol parser yourself, and see what's in there.

Exerosis commented 6 years ago

Ah ok, I always figured they just stored a list of inbound packets, looks like not. Seems interesting I will investigate. Thanks for the prompt replies, and good luck!

ebshimizu commented 6 years ago

A lot of us in the community would love to get damage breakdowns from the replay files. If you discover something, let us know! good luck! I'll add the location-related stuff to my to-do list, but it may be a few months before I can take a deep look at it.