ecamp / ecamp3

eCamp v3 is a web-based app for camp and course planning. The application is specialized for camps and courses of youth associations and for Y+S offers in the sport of camp sports/trekking.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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ProgressLabel additional requests #3486

Open pmattmann opened 1 year ago

pmattmann commented 1 year ago
binggelivo commented 1 year ago

I think it would be helpful if there were an Coach rolle. This could review all and give feedback. It would be helpful if we could push a button to send a notification to the coach, that this block is ready for review. Also That the coach could aprove or disaprove and the block responsible get a message with the feedback.

manuelmeister commented 1 year ago

@binggelivo Hey, thanks for your idea. A 'Coach' role is an interesting thought, but eCamp is used differently by a variety of groups (Scouts, Jubla, FC,…). Adding such roles and automations (e.g. what and when sending the notification) could also get tricky and might be more complex than the benefit. That's why we have created the roles Guest, Member and Administrator. These don't have any meaning outside eCamp and don't require a complex authorisation concept (that could be different for every group). It is far simpler to just notify the coach by e-mail or message directly by the user.

We postponed the feedback functionality to the courses and post mvp release, as we wanted to create a concept that works well and is well thought out. If you are missing the feedback functionality from eCamp2 then we recommend just creating a new content node with the Title "Comments" and just write in the textarea as a workaround.

carlobeltrame commented 1 year ago

Speaking as a Coach myself, typically taking care of 3-5 summer camps at once, I wouldn't want to get a notification for each and every finished block. Much rather, I would like to be notified once when the camp is (mostly) complete, and then visit eCamp and be able to filter all blocks by completion status (or status "ready for coach review"). That is exactly what the base feature #3405 will allow us to do. Coaches are not supposed to just review single blocks, but rather the overall camp in terms of balanced programme, safety and whether the programme as a whole fits the kids' age.

carlobeltrame commented 1 year ago

Please note that if you want to use the suggested workaround for coach feedback directly in ecamp, the coach needs the "member" role in order to edit the free text notes field. Also, these notes will be visible when exporting the camp as pdf. We are aware that this is not ideal yet, but we will need some time to discuss a proper, future-proof and flexible solution for this wish.

binggelivo commented 1 year ago

It's only an idea, which i would be glad to think about. There is no urge for me. We have our workarounds. It would be a quality feature.

@manuelmeister Yes i understand why you want to have the role model flat. Do not all potetial users have a coach if they use the J&S programm?

@carlobeltrame I understand, but i' dont meant, that you have to get a mail for every block. It could be a notification in the tool. Also i understand the workflow of see over all. I think this would be nice for the time between the first Look trou with feedback and the Last overall Look trou.

Thanks for your feedback.

nstni commented 3 months ago

great to hear that a feedback function is planed later on! I guess it would be great, if opposed to ecamp v2, this feedback could not just be deleted. As a coach, HL, AL, HKL, LKB it is very annoying if the comments just disapear. This way, you have no idea what your remarks originally were… also, as they weren‘t exported, there was no way to keep them as a coach. I think this again leads us to a role which can give feedback… I guess eveybody with an J+S program has a coach, although for sports they will rarly give feedback. But maybe it is possible to have a generic role for that in a way that does not block anything if you just ignore it.

Just some thoughts, thanks for all your work☺️

carlobeltrame commented 3 months ago

I don't see why that would make a coach role necessary. I agree that there should be a better way to mark a comment as resolved than deleting it. But that isn't limited to coach comments. It would work just as well if all roles including guests could make comments in my opinion (of course, comments shouldn't be printed in the PDF)