ecency / esteem

eSteem Mobile - Application for Android and iOS users, start earning cryptocurrency!
MIT License
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Your service does not appear to monitor the official BadActorList #309

Open blocktrades opened 6 years ago

blocktrades commented 6 years ago

A customer of ours recently used your service and mistakenly transferred to Steem account @blocktrade, which is an account that is officially recognized as a "bad actor" by the maintainers of

Many Steem-related services keep up with this list to prevent transfers to accounts known to be involved in phishing scams or ones that count on users making common spelling mistakes to well-known services, often by creating a popup that asks the user to double-check their spelling.

feruzm commented 6 years ago

Thank you @blocktrades ! We will add this to both eSteem Mobile as well as eSteem Surfer apps with next release.