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[zOS S390] 80 FVT_Serviceability.diagnostics - ERROR: Incorrect number of phd heapdump files were created (expected = 1, actual = 0) #12075

Open JasonFengJ9 opened 3 years ago

JasonFengJ9 commented 3 years ago

Failure link

From an internal build 466459:

java version "1.8.0_281"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build - pmz3180sr7-20210122_01(SR7))
IBM J9 VM (build 2.9, JRE 1.8.0 z/OS s390-31-Bit 20210226_466459 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
OpenJ9   - e569f88
OMR      - d86bd8a
IBM      - 358762e)
JCL - 20210108_01 based on Oracle jdk8u281-b09

Test name - [zOS S390] 80 FVT_Serviceability.diagnostics.xdump_user.Mode166.1 (or job_output.php?id=670946830)

Optional info

Failure output (captured from console output)

>> 2021 Fri Feb 26 22:00:41 Started process
>> 2021 Fri Feb 26 22:00:41 Waiting for process start confirmation: Looking for keyword string "Completed processing"....
>> 2021 Fri Feb 26 22:01:11 Keyword string found, process start confirmed.
>> 2021 Fri Feb 26 22:01:11 user test failed...
>> 2021 Fri Feb 26 22:01:11 ERROR: Incorrect number of phd heapdump files were created (expected = 1, actual = 0)

>> 2021 Fri Feb 26 22:01:11 The standard error output for this test was:
>> 2021 Fri Feb 26 22:01:11 Stripping "Unable to switch to IFA processor" message from file contents (This is normal if the SDK is on an NFS mount)
Call raise(SIGQUIT) function to generate an User Event
JVMDUMP039I Processing dump event "user", detail "" at 2021/02/26 21:55:45 - please wait.
JVMDUMP032I JVM requested System dump using 'J9BUILD.JVM.J9BUILD9.D210226.T215545' in response to an event
IEATDUMP success for DSN='J9BUILD.JVM.J9BUILD9.D210226.T215545'
JVMDUMP010I System dump written to J9BUILD.JVM.J9BUILD9.D210226.T215545
JVMDUMP019I JVM requesting CEEDUMP dump
CEEDUMP in progress - Please Wait.
CEEDUMP success for FILE='/home/j9build/tmp/bld_466459_zos_390-31/bld_466459/diagnostics.xdump_user/670946830/FYREC514-diagnostics_xdump-m166-20210226-215437/user/expected_dumps/CEEDUMP.20210226.215654.83886226'
JVMDUMP010I CEEDUMP dump written to /home/j9build/tmp/bld_466459_zos_390-31/bld_466459/diagnostics.xdump_user/670946830/FYREC514-diagnostics_xdump-m166-20210226-215437/user/expected_dumps/CEEDUMP.20210226.215654.83886226
JVMDUMP027W The requested heapdump has not been produced because another component is holding the VM exclusive lock.
JVMDUMP032I JVM requested Java dump using '/home/j9build/tmp/bld_466459_zos_390-31/bld_466459/diagnostics.xdump_user/670946830/FYREC514-diagnostics_xdump-m166-20210226-215437/user/expected_dumps/javacore.20210226.215545.83886226.0004.txt' in response to an event
JVMDUMP010I Java dump written to /home/j9build/tmp/bld_466459_zos_390-31/bld_466459/diagnostics.xdump_user/670946830/FYREC514-diagnostics_xdump-m166-20210226-215437/user/expected_dumps/javacore.20210226.215545.83886226.0004.txt
JVMDUMP032I JVM requested Snap dump using '/home/j9build/tmp/bld_466459_zos_390-31/bld_466459/diagnostics.xdump_user/670946830/FYREC514-diagnostics_xdump-m166-20210226-215437/user/expected_dumps/Snap.20210226.215545.83886226.0005.trc' in response to an event
JVMDUMP010I Snap dump written to /home/j9build/tmp/bld_466459_zos_390-31/bld_466459/diagnostics.xdump_user/670946830/FYREC514-diagnostics_xdump-m166-20210226-215437/user/expected_dumps/Snap.20210226.215545.83886226.0005.trc
-------- Console dump --------
Thread=JIT Compilation Thread-000 (19905E00) Status=Waiting
Monitor=19C75744 (JIT-CompilationQueueMonitor) Count=0

Thread=JIT Diagnostic Compilation Thread-001 Suspended (19906064) Status=Waiting
Monitor=19C75B40 (JIT-CompThreadMonitor-??) Count=0

Thread=JIT-SamplerThread (199062C8) Status=Sleeping

Thread=IProfiler (1990652C) Status=Waiting
Monitor=19C75EF8 (JIT-iprofilerMonitor) Count=0

Thread=DestroyJavaVM helper thread (19905938) Status=Waiting
Monitor=19904910 (portLibrary_omrsig_async_monitor) Count=0

^^^^^^^^ Console dump ^^^^^^^^
JVMDUMP013I Processed dump event "user", detail "".
>> 2021 Fri Feb 26 22:01:11 TEST SUMMARY - ALL TESTS FAILED

Similar failure for [zOS S390] 80 FVT_Serviceability.diagnostics.xdump_user.Mode167.1 (job_output.php?id=670946831)

Note: these failures were marked by other problem tracker (PT) or original PT now is expired. Creating an issue in Open instead.

pshipton commented 3 years ago

Seems like a test issue @llxia

llxia commented 3 years ago

@OscarQQ Could you take a look at this issue? Thanks