eclipse-sw360 / sw360

SW360 project
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CVE won't be updated if the CPE in CVE changed #2267

Open wang-fut opened 10 months ago

wang-fut commented 10 months ago


Let's say I had a component on sw360 with a cpeid "cpe:2.3:a:apache:portable_runtime:1.6.3:::::::" since 2021-11 I fetched the cves from my cve-search instance, at the monent CVE-2021-35940 got linked to my componet because the cve had a configuration with cpeid "cpe:2.3:a:apache:portable_runtime::::::::" Then at 2021/12 the CVE-2021-35940 information had updated from the cpeid "cpe:2.3:a:apache:portable_runtime::::::::" to a new one "cpe:2.3:a:apache:portable_runtime:1.7.0:::::::" My component on sw360 is not affected by the CVE-2021-35940 but the information my sw360 never got updated.


Vulnerability on cve-search is fine image

Vulnerability on sw360 stop updated image

Vulnerability changelog image


wang-fut commented 10 months ago

Maybe SW360 should update existed cve on the SW360 side anyway and check if the relation between release and vulnerability is still active