ecn310 / course-project-international-trade-policy

course-project-international-trade-policy created by GitHub Classroom
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Daily log #4

Open SawyerMcFarland opened 8 months ago

SawyerMcFarland commented 8 months ago


kbuzard commented 8 months ago

@ecn310/international-trade-policy If you want to highlight tasks, you can use the "task list" feature. For example,

They can then be checked off when they're completed.

aryar5 commented 8 months ago


  1. Sawyer revised our hypothesis, made it more concise and focused on volume of exports.
  2. Logan narrowed down our variable for hypothesis testing, we will focus on the volume of trade
  3. Arya opened a Stata do file for the data.
kbuzard commented 7 months ago

@ecn310/international-trade-policy Here is my feedback on your documentation:

  1. The structure of the master documentation on the wiki looks good, and everything is there that I was hoping for
  2. I don't see any do-file in your repo. I see the task for it, and it's checked off, but I don't see the do-file.
  3. There isn't any substance to any of the task issues. I didn't mean for this to be a complicated way of making to-do lists, but rather to be a place where you keep track of all the work related to each task and communicate about it. I'm not sure we learn much from what you have on these issues so far.
  4. There aren't any posts to this daily log about what you did in class yesterday, either on your data or on your documentation.
aryar5 commented 7 months ago


aryar5 commented 7 months ago


SawyerMcFarland commented 7 months ago


lefaulk commented 7 months ago


aryar5 commented 7 months ago


Project Assignment Review

aryar5 commented 7 months ago

Arya uploaded data on "Trade in goods: Exports, Percentage change, previous period, Q1 2008 – Q3 2023" extracted from OECD. Located in One Drive on 11/15/2023

SawyerMcFarland commented 7 months ago

We need to:

Find products China previously exported to US. and the same products that the EU then exports to US after Tariffs.

aryar5 commented 7 months ago

17th November'23

kbuzard commented 7 months ago

@ecn310/international-trade-policy I'm sorry for the delay in getting you feedback on your documentation and project process. Here are my thoughts:

  1. On your post above ("We need to")
    • You don't mean to be linking to #1, #2, and #3, right? Github takes the #-number syntax to be citing that number issue/discussion/etc. Using numbered lists is a lot better. I'm going to ignore those links unless you tell me otherwise.
    • Please make a separate issue for each task, and keep all the details about each task on those issue threads (like this one: #8 -- see what I did there?!?! I only typed #8 and Github automatically makes a fancy link. Note: I'm wrapping the # sign stuff in backticks to prevent it from inserting the link when I want to describe to you what's going on)
    • I linked to where I think you should start looking for the data on U.S. tariff increases on Chinese imports in #8 ; I don't think it has all the detail, but if you go to their paper that's cited on that page (search of "Journal of Policy Modeling") and figure out where they describe their data, my guess is it will lead you to the right place. If it doesn't, let me know and I'll look somewhere else.
  2. On your 11/12 post, I still don't see the documentation for "Made adjustments to some Excel files (structure, not data) to enhance compatibility for importing into R. Documented changes for reference, to be included in the project Wiki." Am I missing it, or is it not there yet?
    • I see a line that says "Logan uploaded the R version of the data, ensuring accessibility and compatibility for further analysis." Is this what you're referring to? That's a good summary entry for the wiki, but where are the details about what was actually done? See next point that explains something similar in more detail.
  3. The 11/12 post says "Arya uploaded US International Trade in Goods and Services data from OECD for team reference" and "Logan uploaded the R version of the data, ensuring accessibility and compatibility for further analysis." Where is your documentation that says where this data came from, when it was downloaded, where specifically (with file name) it was saved? You have a lot of files in the OneDrive folder, but nothing I can find easily that says what the files mean. There should be something on the wiki that explains what each file in the folder means (it can be a link to something else--another wiki page, a discussion, issue, a text file in the OneDrive folder--there are lots of options for how to do this)
    • Except for the US H6 data, all these files are small enough to be put on Github, and you could then explain the files in the main readme for the repo.
    • You have two choices for how to keep your files
      1. Put them on Github with good commit messages that explain what they are (and that list described above)
      2. Keep them in OneDrive and keep VERY detailed documentation about every change that is made to them. Github keeps that kind of documentation in the commit messages and using the "diffs" where you can see the changes due to each commit. You have to do this by hand if you're not using Github.
  4. If you started something on Overleaf, it should be added to the wiki
  5. You have a pretty complicated project in terms of the data needs. I'm happy to help you figure out how to manage all of it, but your documentation will have to be clearer for me to be able to help.
    • There is no documentation check this coming Saturday because of the break. However, I think you need to get these issues cleared up before we get back from break so that I can help you make progress toward the final report. I'm going to give you a 1 out of 2 for the documentation check score for this past week. I will change that to a 2 if you address these issues (and notify me!) by this coming Saturday.
  6. You REALLY need to have all three pieces of the data ready for merging and analysis before our first class back from break next Wednesday. Please let me know if you need any help with this by tagging me on an issue in Github.
aryar5 commented 7 months ago

@kbuzard Hello Professor Buzard, I hope you had a good Thanksgiving Break. I have added a section to our wiki titled 'Data' which has detailed explanations about each dataset. I have uploaded the small files to our GitHub main repo as well. We have chosen our 3 datasets to merge but we will need help to do so this Wednesday. Please ket me know if the data in the Wiki is sufficient, Thank you so much.

kbuzard commented 7 months ago

I have added a section to our wiki titled 'Data' which has detailed explanations about each dataset.

@aryar5 The ones listed on the wiki don't seem to be product-level data. Which are the three datasets that you're planning to merge? I'd like to take a look at them to make sure it looks like it's going to work.

I have uploaded the small files to our GitHub main repo as well

I don't see any data files in the repo. Where did you put the files?

SawyerMcFarland commented 7 months ago


aryar5 commented 7 months ago


kbuzard commented 6 months ago

@ecn310/international-trade-policy This is a good post from yesterday, but there's no post from Wednesday. In particular, there's nothing that says where to find the plan you made on Wednesday. There's also no record of Arya's visit to office hours on Wednesday, or anything else that anyone might have done outside of class.

aryar5 commented 6 months ago

11/29/2023- Wed

aryar5 commented 6 months ago

@ecn310/international-trade-policy @kbuzard

kbuzard commented 6 months ago

@aryar5 I suggest you only have one copy of the plan on your repo; it can be in the issue you just created or on the wiki. The key thing I was asking for is that you add a link to that plan (whichever one you want to keep) on the top wiki page.

Thanks for adding the log from Wednesday!

aryar5 commented 6 months ago

Thank you Professor! Would it be possible to have our documentation check grade revised?

From: Kristy Buzard @.> Sent: 02 December 2023 04:54 PM To: ecn310/course-project-international-trade-policy @.> Cc: Arya Rajesh @.>; Mention @.> Subject: Re: [ecn310/course-project-international-trade-policy] Daily log (Issue #4)

@aryar5 I suggest you only have one copy of the plan on your repo; it can be in the issue you just created or on the wiki. The key thing I was asking for is that you add a link to that plan (whichever one you want to keep) on the top wiki page.

Thanks for adding the log from Wednesday!

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kbuzard commented 6 months ago

Yes, I will revise it once you've decided which copy of the plan to keep, deleted the one one, and added a link to remaining plan on the main wiki page (the one under "home").

aryar5 commented 6 months ago

All done! this is the link, we decided to keep the one on Issues

From: Kristy Buzard @.> Sent: 02 December 2023 06:59 PM To: ecn310/course-project-international-trade-policy @.> Cc: Arya Rajesh @.>; Mention @.> Subject: Re: [ecn310/course-project-international-trade-policy] Daily log (Issue #4)

Yes, I will revise it once you've decided which copy of the plan to keep, deleted the one one, and added a link to remaining plan on the main wiki page (the one under "home").

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kbuzard commented 6 months ago

All done! #10 this is the link, we decided to keep the one on Issues

Great! Now the link needs to be added to the main wiki page, that is, (here)

aryar5 commented 6 months ago

Thank you professor, could you check our wiki and let me know if you can see the link? I put it in there.

From: Kristy Buzard @.> Sent: 02 December 2023 07:41 PM To: ecn310/course-project-international-trade-policy @.> Cc: Arya Rajesh @.>; Mention @.> Subject: Re: [ecn310/course-project-international-trade-policy] Daily log (Issue #4)

All done! #10 this is the link, we decided to keep the one on Issues

Great! Now the link needs to be added to the main wiki page, that is, (here

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SawyerMcFarland commented 6 months ago


Today we met in Bird library and discussed which exported products we wanted to focus on; Food, Capital goods and textiles. We have made 3/6 graphs and are finishing up analysis, orignally we had wanted to have this done by yesterday however we are on our way and allowed enough flexibility in our planner to still get this in on time for presentations on Wednesday.

aryar5 commented 6 months ago


Started our data testing and here are some of the results

kbuzard commented 6 months ago

Thank you professor, could you check our wiki and let me know if you can see the link?

Yes, I see it. It looks great.

To streamline things, you could also move the Overleaf link from it's own wiki page to be on this main wiki page.

aryar5 commented 6 months ago

Logan provided some code for R to get figures from Data

install.packages('ggplot2') library(ggplot2) install.packages('dplyr') library(dplyr) install.packages('tidyverse') library(tidyverse) df<- read.csv('United States Product Imports from China.csv')

Filter the data according to the given conditions


filtered_df3 <- df %>% filter(Reporter.Name == "United States", Partner.Name == "China", Product.Group == " Capital goods")


filtered_df4 <- df %>% filter(Reporter.Name == "United States", Partner.Name == "China", Product.Group == "Textiles and Clothing")

Select the time range from 2017 to 2021

capital goods

time_range_df2 <- filtered_df2 %>%



time_range_df2 <- filtered_df3 %>% select(X2017:X2021)

Convert the data from wide to long format for plotting

long_df2 <- pivot_longer(time_range_df2, cols = X2017:X2021, names_to = "Year", values_to = "Value")


long_df2 <- pivot_longer(time_range_df2, cols = X2017:X2021, names_to = "Year", values_to = "Value")

Adjust the Year variable to be a simple year format (e.g., 2017)

long_df2$Year <- sub("x", "", long_df$Year)

Create the visual comparison

ggplot(long_df2, aes(x = Year, y = Value, group = 1)) + geom_line() + geom_point() + labs(title = "Textile Volume United States and China (2017-2021)", x = "Year", y = "Trade Volume") + theme_minimal()

library(ggplot2) library(dplyr)

df2 <- read.csv('data-17844025.csv')

Filter the data according to the given conditions


filtered_df2 <- df2 %>% filter(REPORTER_LAB == 'European Union - 27 countries (AT, BE, BG, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GR, HR, HU, IE, IT, LT, LU, LV, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK)', PARTNER == 'US', PRODUCT_LAB == 'Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof of swine, salted, in brine, dried or smoked, with bone in', PERIOD_LAB %in% c('Jan.-Dec. 2017', 'Jan.-Dec. 2018', 'Jan.-Dec. 2019', 'Jan.-Dec. 2020', 'Jan.-Dec. 2021'))

Create the visual

ggplot(filtered_df2, aes(x = PERIOD_LAB, y = INDICATOR_VALUE, group = 1)) + geom_line() + geom_point() + labs(title = "Indicator Value Over Time", x = "PERIOD", y = "TRADE VOLUME") + theme_minimal()


filtered_df2 <- df2 %>% filter(REPORTER_LAB == 'European Union - 27 countries (AT, BE, BG, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GR, HR, HU, IE, IT, LT, LU, LV, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK)', PARTNER == 'US', PRODUCT_LAB == '', PERIOD_LAB %in% c('Jan.-Dec. 2017', 'Jan.-Dec. 2018', 'Jan.-Dec. 2019', 'Jan.-Dec. 2020', 'Jan.-Dec. 2021'))

Create the visual

ggplot(filtered_df2, aes(x = PERIOD_LAB, y = INDICATOR_VALUE, group = 1)) + geom_line() + geom_point() + labs(title = "Indicator Value Over Time", x = "PERIOD", y = "TRADE VOLUME") + theme_minimal()

The R code performs a series of operations on our two datasets. Firstly, it imports and filters data from the 'United States Product Imports from China.csv' file, focusing on two product groups: "Capital goods" and "Textiles and Clothing," specifically examining trade between the United States and China. The time range from 2017 to 2021 for the "Textiles and Clothing" group is then selected, and the data is reshaped from wide to long format using the pivot_longer function. Subsequently, a line plot is generated using ggplot2 to visualize the trade volume over the years (2017-2021) for the "Textiles and Clothing" category. Moving on to another dataset ('data-17844025.csv'), the code filters information related to two distinct product categories: "Hams, shoulders, and cuts thereof of swine" (Food) and (Batteries). Two identical sets of code create line plots for trade volume over time using ggplot2 for both the "Hams, shoulders, and cuts thereof of swine" and the Batteries category.

aryar5 commented 6 months ago


kbuzard commented 6 months ago


  1. I've just made your repo public
  2. I think your documentation is going well.
  3. The r code above seems like it compares "apples to oranges" in that the US-China data is really aggregated, and the US-EU data is very disaggregated. Make sure that if you're pairing these two types of data that what you're showing is at the same level of detail; otherwise, it doesn't tell us much.
aryar5 commented 6 months ago


SawyerMcFarland commented 6 months ago


SawyerMcFarland commented 6 months ago


Arya and I met over zoom and made a plan for what to get done by today. Logan will contact Dylan to fix aggregate. Dylan looked over our documentation.

SawyerMcFarland commented 6 months ago