eco4cast / unconf-2023

Brainstorming repo to propose and discuss unconference project ideas!
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Develop shared functions for different forecast visualizations #2

Open rqthomas opened 1 year ago

rqthomas commented 1 year ago

Build out the vis4cast package ( with more plots that folks can use that leverages in the EFI Standards

Please add visualizations to this issue that you would be interested in including

cayelan commented 1 year ago

I am really interested in thinking about how we can develop a suite of contrasting visualizations for the same forecast product to meet different end user needs. I'm specifically focused on water quality forecasts (with water utility, public, and scientist end user groups) but I think that this question is general enough for any forecasting system that has management implications. Excited to dig in more with folks who think about forecast translation/visualization!

juniperlsimonis commented 1 year ago

oooh, yes! I have worked on a few different suites of visualization tools and have been keen to formalize some things. And I really like the idea of tools that can generate different styles from the same forecast.

melissakenney commented 1 year ago

I really like these ideas. @cayelan - you're thinking about this for users like reservoir managers? If we are developing tools for external users we always want to keep in mind context, audience, and use so that we can determine whether an API that is integrated into existing software or tools is more effective than developing something in house. For NEON forecasts, I'd be really interested to know more about who the external users would be.

Testudinidude commented 1 year ago

Similar to #13, I would definitely be interested in thinking about ways to treat forecasting visualizations as translational tools - making somewhat arcane modelling outputs more interpretable and relevant for outside partners.