eddelbuettel / bh

R package providing Boost Header files
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QVM support #97

Closed gitboosting closed 6 months ago

gitboosting commented 8 months ago

I am wondering if there's a plan to support qvm: https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_80_0/libs/qvm/doc/html/index.html

I analyze data from sensors (e.g. accelerometers, gyroscopes, ...) in inertial measurement units and could benefit greatly with algorithms in quaternions, vectors and matrices.

eddelbuettel commented 8 months ago

Yes, could do -- see old issue tickets for other requests we honoured in the past.

Can you confirm that it is header-only and does not require linking?

gitboosting commented 8 months ago

Thanks for your kind response.

It says on qvm's repo (https://github.com/boostorg/qvm) that it is header-only. But please let me know if there are ways to confirm it besides taking what it says on face value. Thanks again.

QVM is included in official Boost releases. For maximum portability, the library is also available in single-header format, in two variants (direct download links):

eddelbuettel commented 8 months ago

Yes, that's what I saw too (and I had never seen a possible libboost_qvm library either) but as you appear to be a user I thought I might as well as you :) And yes, language of 'single header' confirms that too.

eddelbuettel commented 7 months ago

This will be in BH 1.84.0 which I am preparing. There are very minor repurcussions with five packages so this will be on CRAN in January. Until then you can get it from here, or from the r-universe builds and I may add it to the ghrr drat as well.

gitboosting commented 6 months ago

@eddelbuettel This is wonderful. Thank you. Happy New Year.

eddelbuettel commented 6 months ago

Just waiting for CRAN to reopen...

eddelbuettel commented 6 months ago

BH 1.84.0-0 is now at CRAN, with QVM. Thanks for the suggestion, and your patience!