edgeryders / discourse-annotator

A text annotation and analysis application for Discourse. Made with Annotator.js and Ruby on Rails.
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Search and destroy annotations based on the annotating code #233

Open albertocottica opened 2 years ago

albertocottica commented 2 years ago

As a part of the codebook cleanup process, the POPREBEL ethnographers would like to be able to find all the annotations with a given code, and select those that need to be destroyed. Typically, this involves forking codes, and then deleting, for each code (old one and forked one), the annotations that do not belong in the same project as the code. So, for example, if the code discrimination, used in previous projects and adopted into POPREBEL, needs to be split into discrimination proper and racism, the ethnographers start by cloning discrimination and relabeling the clone as racism. Then, they proceed to destroying the annotations of discrimination from POPREBEL, and those of racism from the previous project.

Currently, the "Annotations" view has tick boxes to select annotations and "Destroy" links, but it visualizes all of the annotations (given the filters offered by the menu), and has no way to discriminate them by code. There is a search box, but it looks into the text of the quote, not among the codes.

The "Show code" (example view finds exactly all the annotations with that code, but then has no "Destroy" link.

Would it be possible, they ask, to add the destroy links in the "Show code" view, or alternatively to make the "Annotations" view searchable by codes?

albertocottica commented 2 years ago

Sorry, the title was misleading. Corrected now.

tanius commented 2 years ago

Would it be possible, they ask, to add the destroy [annotation] links in the "Show code" view, or alternatively to make the "Annotations" view searchable [filterable] by codes?

I'd propose to implement both of these solutions. A code filter for the "Annotations" list view is more important though, as the "Show code" pages are currently meant for information purposes only, not for providing an interface for actions.

Assigning to Daniel to include with the next batch of improvements :)

damingo commented 1 year ago

A code filter for the "Annotations" list view is not possible as there are several thousand codes which is too much for a dropdown filter-menu. Note: It is already possible to only list annotations in the "Annotations" list view that belong to one code. For this a user can go to Codes and click on the "Annotations" link next to a code in the list. This will display all annotations that belong to the selected code.

A "Destroy" link was added to the annotations in "Show code" pages.

The issue can be closed if the solution is sufficient.