Open gopumon opened 5 years ago
Very much so! I have struggled one full week trying to figure this out. Any ideas??
We will include this feature to the plan of next updates
Thank you! Looking forward to it.
Is there any hack I can use for now in the meantime?
Hi, you can try the hack i did. Take a look. It will add classes (text-right, text-left or text-center)
@property {String} text — Paragraph's content. Can include HTML tags: */ class Paragraph { /**
this._CSS = { block: this.api.styles.block, wrapper: 'ce-paragraph', } this.CSS = { baseClass: this.api.styles.block, loading: this.api.styles.loader, input: this.api.styles.input, settingsButton: this.api.styles.settingsButton, settingsButtonActive: this.api.styles.settingsButtonActive,
this.onKeyUp = this.onKeyUp.bind(this)
/** = data
this.settings = [
name: 'text-left',
icon: <svg class="svg-icon" viewBox="0 0 20 20"> <path fill="none" d="M1.683,3.39h16.676C18.713,3.39,19,3.103,19,2.749s-0.287-0.642-0.642-0.642H1.683 c-0.354,0-0.641,0.287-0.641,0.642S1.328,3.39,1.683,3.39z M1.683,7.879h11.545c0.354,0,0.642-0.287,0.642-0.641 s-0.287-0.642-0.642-0.642H1.683c-0.354,0-0.641,0.287-0.641,0.642S1.328,7.879,1.683,7.879z M18.358,11.087H1.683 c-0.354,0-0.641,0.286-0.641,0.641s0.287,0.642,0.641,0.642h16.676c0.354,0,0.642-0.287,0.642-0.642S18.713,11.087,18.358,11.087z M11.304,15.576H1.683c-0.354,0-0.641,0.287-0.641,0.642s0.287,0.641,0.641,0.641h9.621c0.354,0,0.642-0.286,0.642-0.641 S11.657,15.576,11.304,15.576z"></path> </svg>
name: 'text-center',
icon: <svg class="svg-icon" viewBox="0 0 20 20"> <path fill="none" d="M1.686,3.327h16.754c0.356,0,0.645-0.288,0.645-0.644c0-0.356-0.288-0.645-0.645-0.645H1.686 c-0.356,0-0.644,0.288-0.644,0.645C1.042,3.039,1.33,3.327,1.686,3.327z M4.263,6.549c-0.356,0-0.644,0.288-0.644,0.645 c0,0.356,0.288,0.644,0.644,0.644h11.599c0.356,0,0.645-0.288,0.645-0.644c0-0.356-0.288-0.645-0.645-0.645H4.263z M18.439,11.06 H1.686c-0.356,0-0.644,0.288-0.644,0.644c0,0.356,0.288,0.645,0.644,0.645h16.754c0.356,0,0.645-0.288,0.645-0.645 C19.084,11.348,18.796,11.06,18.439,11.06z M15.218,15.57H5.552c-0.356,0-0.645,0.288-0.645,0.645c0,0.355,0.289,0.644,0.645,0.644 h9.666c0.355,0,0.645-0.288,0.645-0.644C15.862,15.858,15.573,15.57,15.218,15.57z"></path> </svg>
name: 'text-right',
icon: <svg class="svg-icon" viewBox="0 0 20 20"> <path fill="none" d="M1.321,3.417h17.024C18.707,3.417,19,3.124,19,2.762c0-0.362-0.293-0.655-0.654-0.655H1.321 c-0.362,0-0.655,0.293-0.655,0.655C0.667,3.124,0.959,3.417,1.321,3.417z M18.346,15.857H8.523c-0.361,0-0.655,0.293-0.655,0.654 c0,0.362,0.293,0.655,0.655,0.655h9.822c0.361,0,0.654-0.293,0.654-0.655C19,16.15,18.707,15.857,18.346,15.857z M18.346,11.274 H1.321c-0.362,0-0.655,0.292-0.655,0.654s0.292,0.654,0.655,0.654h17.024c0.361,0,0.654-0.292,0.654-0.654 S18.707,11.274,18.346,11.274z M18.346,6.69H6.56c-0.362,0-0.655,0.293-0.655,0.655C5.904,7.708,6.198,8,6.56,8h11.786 C18.707,8,19,7.708,19,7.345C19,6.983,18.707,6.69,18.346,6.69z"></path> </svg>
renderSettings() { let wrapper = document.createElement('div')
this.settings.forEach(tune => { let el = document.createElement('div')
el.classList.add(this.CSS.settingsButton) el.innerHTML = tune.icon
el.addEventListener('click', () => { this._toggleTune( })
el.classList.toggle(!this.CSS.settingsButtonActive,[]) wrapper.appendChild(el) }) return wrapper }
const { textContent } = this._element
if (textContent === '') { this._element.innerHTML = '' } }
div.contentEditable = true div.dataset.placeholder = this.api.i18n.t(this._placeholder)
div.addEventListener('keyup', this.onKeyUp)
return div }
/** = newData }
return true }
/** = data }
this._data.text = text this._data.class = c[2]
return this._data }
this._element.innerHTML = this._data.text || '' // this._element.classList = this._data.class }
${this._CSS.wrapper} ${this._CSS.block} ${tune}
/**export default Paragraph
You also need to add this simple css to work with the svg .svg-icon { width: 1em; height: 1em; }
.svg-icon path, .svg-icon polygon, .svg-icon rect { fill: #4691f6; }
.svg-icon circle { stroke: #4691f6; stroke-width: 1; }
Has anyone seen it yet?
Could be a better solution a plugin called @editor-js/alignment, that checks if the block that has been created can be aligned, if so, just align it?
It could work for: images, headings, paragraphs, tables...
Probably i'll work on it
i made it once
i made it once Implemented it on core editor, we're discussing what could be the best solution
@semoal how can I use it? as you said it's been implemented already. Kinda noob :')
I wish #35 would be merged.
@neSpecc Is this feature still included in the next updates?
is editorjs still maintened? I see pull request in table repository with feature to delete cells from December and there is a pull request from September that adds alignment. If these are not stable, why don't merge it on not-stable branch then?
@kaaaaaaaaaaai please add some function such as line height and font size.
I spent 2 days making it. LOL
don't forget to add line-height and font-size dropdown in settings.
It would be nice to have an option to choose text alignment (left, center or right) for the paragraph.