editorconfig / editorconfig-jetbrains

A JetBrains IDE plugin supporting the EditorConfig standard
MIT License
291 stars 21 forks source link

Provide visual indication #43

Closed rayshan closed 10 years ago

rayshan commented 10 years ago

It's hard to tell if the plugin is working or if a new .editorconfig file was detected. Would be nice to have a pop up that can be disabled.

rayshan commented 10 years ago

Another thought - would be nice to have a custom icon similar to what other plugins offer. screen shot 2014-07-23 at 9 46 32 pm

denofevil commented 10 years ago

This repository is now obsolete, IntelliJ based products will feature editorconfig support. Please track this issue here

rayshan commented 10 years ago

@denofevil thanks