editorconfig / editorconfig-jetbrains

A JetBrains IDE plugin supporting the EditorConfig standard
MIT License
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Only seems to enforce editorconfig settings when editing, not when saving #50

Closed LegalizeAdulthood closed 10 years ago

LegalizeAdulthood commented 10 years ago

For instance, if I have the policy set to say that the final newline should always be applied, and I open a file that doesn't have this and select save, the file remains unchanged.

stoeffel commented 10 years ago


smazurov commented 10 years ago


peterfoeng commented 10 years ago

Same issue here :(

xuhdev commented 10 years ago

It seems that JetBrains has integrated this plugin into the IDE itself. Maybe you should report to their bug tracker to make them aware of the problem?

denofevil commented 10 years ago

Now it's tracked as WEB-14368