editorconfig / editorconfig-jetbrains

A JetBrains IDE plugin supporting the EditorConfig standard
MIT License
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Reformat whole project to editorconfig rules? #54

Closed dziamid closed 10 years ago

dziamid commented 10 years ago

Is it possilbe to instantly apply editorconfig rules to all project files (or maybe a scope based selection of files)?

denofevil commented 10 years ago

Which IDE and what version are you using?

denofevil commented 10 years ago

Due to internal platform changes this feature will be available only in IDEA Ultimate 14+, WebStorm 9+, RubyMine 7+, PhpStorm 8.0.2+, PyCharm 4+, AppCode 3.1+. To apply rules simply use reformat code action. Updated plugin for IDEs that don't bundle it yet will be available soon