edreamleo / NTHS-Reunion

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Contract with Varsity Reunions #17

Open edreamleo opened 7 years ago

edreamleo commented 7 years ago

Here is the text of the agreement I have received from Cyndi. All comments welcome.

September 30: I have added Bob's suggested changes in bold, with strikeouts denoted deleted text.

AGREEMENT FOR REUNION SERVICES This Agreement is made this 13th day of September, 2016 by and between Varsity Reunion Services LLC and the New Trier High School Class of 1967 50-Year Reunion Committee (“The Reunion Committee”). The Reunion Committee intends to hold a class reunion and agrees that Varsity Reunion Services LLC will plan and organize its reunion activities.

  1. Varsity Reunion Services LLC agrees to organize and plan the following reunion event: REUNION CELEBRATION: date and venue to be determined
  2. Varsity Reunion Services LLC agrees to provide the services listed below and such additional services as may be requested by The Reunion Committee to which both parties agree in writing. Varsity Reunion Services LLC will provide the following services: a. reunion coordination b. the design, printing, and postage for the save the date postcard and reunion invitation mailing c. facility and menu arrangements in the name of Varsity Reunion Services LLC as selected by committee d. (Changed) alumni directory (optional) e. (Changed) DJ or other musical entertainment (optional) f. required deposits to secure requested facilities, caterers, vendors, or entertainers g. acceptance of credit card payment h. alumni search A final mailing list and list of deceased classmates should be furnished on CD-ROM to the New Trier Alumni Office. This should include new addresses and reports of recently deceased classmates that alumni will report at the Registration Desk when they arrive the night of the reunion. i. on-site staff at reunion j. photo nametags for reunion celebration and guest nametags k. reunion celebration decorations l. (New). A microphone and speaker. m. (New) A reunion souvenir. In 2007 we got a T-shirt, other reunions furnish a coffee mug or other monogrammed knick-knack. (See also 2t or 3j below). n. (New) Photographer with the opportunity to purchase for instance, a CD-ROM of all candids or prints of group photos. It's been a tradition at 1967 reunions over the years that people who started in kindergarten together at a particular school get themselves photographed together. o. (New and deleted) See 3k below. p. (New) Change reunion posting on New Trier Alumni Association website to connect with Varsity Reunions. Likewise with Classmates.com 2u. (New) At the Committee's option, to place ads in Chicago papers. Note:In 2007, 25% of the attendees responded to newspaper ads in the Chicago Tribune and the Hollister papers placed a week or two before the reunion date. Chicago-area family members were able to contact classmates we couldn't find, and 74 more classmates showed up and paid at the door. It would be worth it to budget for ad placement, but not to wait until just the last minute to place those ads.
  3. The Reunion Committee shall have the following obligations. EKR: see notes below that are not part of the contract. a. purchase ticket(s) and attend the reunion b. provide a list of known alumni addresses prior to the commencement of alumni research. This has already provided, with updates as classmates continue to click in months after Chris Bransford Terry and I originally contacted them. c. write a letter inviting classmates to attend the reunion to be included as part of the reunion invitation d. provide memorabilia for display at reunion events (optional) e. provide follow-up contact with classmates designated by Varsity Reunion Services LLC as undecided attendees f. prepare and perform committee program/presentation at your reunion event
  4. The per-person ticket cost is TBD and includes the cost of requested events and Varsity Reunion Services LLC fees. Varsity Reunion Services LLC may be required to substitute food items as necessary (meat cuts, portion sizes, etc.) to maintain the desired ticket price. Additional events or activities or any miscellaneous addition to the reunion that would increase the ticket price must be agreed upon by both Varsity Reunion Services LLC and The Reunion Committee in writing. Any addition of events, activities, equipment rental or miscellaneous charges incurred by committee after ticket price has been determined will be the sole financial responsibility of the committee.
  5. Varsity Reunion Services LLC has the exclusive right to market all reunion events, memorabilia, products & services (such as alumni class pictures, apparel, buttons and the like). The Reunion Committee will not market (this includes but is not limited to all forms of media including: Radio, TV, Newspapers, Websites, Internet, Email) any reunion event that is not included in this agreement or written changes thereto.
  6. Class members who wish to purchase additional reunion mementos may do so by contacting Varsity Reunion Services LLC with their written prepaid order. Orders not received within fourteen (14) days after the last reunion event may not be filled, subject to quantities of mementos on hand.
  7. Varsity Reunion Services LLC will deposit and cash all negotiable items made out to the class or school when such items have been sent to Varsity Reunion Services LLC for the payment of a Reunion Ticket or Reunion Memento supplied by Varsity Reunion Services LLC.
  8. All deposits received from class members to secure their attendance at reunion events will be refunded provided that Varsity Reunion Services LLC receives a request for refund no less than one week prior to the first reunion event, except that a $20.00 processing fee will be charged for each member of the class canceling. There will be no refunds for cancellations received less than one week prior to the first reunion event.
  9. The parties agree that termination of this agreement would result in damages that would be difficult to estimate; therefore, the parties agree that in the event of termination of this agreement by the Reunion Committee, the Reunion Committee will pay $1,000.00 to Varsity Reunion Services LLC as and for liquidated damages. In addition, the Reunion Committee will be responsible for reimbursing Varsity Reunion Services LLC for its costs and the amount of any deposits or payments made to vendors and/or facilities. Upon receipt by Varsity Reunion Services LLC of said sums, Varsity Reunion Services LLC will assign any facilities reservation and personal service contracts to the Reunion Committee. In such event, all amounts received from class alumni for ticket purchases will be refunded.
  10. If The Reunion Committee cancels the reunion or fails to complete it’s obligations as provided by this agreement within 90 days of the date scheduled for the first reunion event, Varsity Reunion Services LLC may, at it’s option, proceed to plan and hold one or more of the reunion activities.
  11. Varsity Reunion Services LLC reserves the right to terminate this agreement if, four weeks prior to the first reunion event, it appears that less than 20% of the alumni in the class will be attending the reunion events. In such event, all amounts received from class alumni for ticket purchases will be refunded.
  12. If a scheduled reunion event cannot be held at a contracted location due to circumstances beyond the control of Varsity Reunion Services LLC, Varsity Reunion Services LLC shall make a diligent attempt to obtain a new location. If the event cannot be relocated to a suitable facility on the scheduled date, the direct costs associated with the cancelled event will be allocated among the class alumni who signed up for that event and the remainder of their deposits and fees refunded to them.
  13. If litigation is commenced to interpret or enforce any of the provisions of this agreement, the losing party agrees to pay to the prevailing party, in addition to costs and disbursements, such sums as the court may adjudge reasonable as attorney fees in the litigation in both the trial and/or appellate court. This agreement shall be interpreted pursuant to the laws of the State of Missouri and the parties agree and consent to the jurisdiction of the Circuit Court of St. Louis County, Missouri to resolve any litigation regarding this agreement.
  14. This agreement represents the entire contract between the parties and all representations made by the parties have been incorporated herein.
  15. The Reunion Committee warrants that it has been duly constituted to engage the services of Varsity Reunion Services LLC to perform reunion planning services, and by the signature(s) of its members below, agrees to all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The above is agreed to this 13th day of September, 2016. Varsity Reunion Services LLC by:__ The Reunion Committee

Note: The following items involve responsibilities of the Reunion Committee, and do not necessarily have to be formalized in any agreement. 3e. If they are "undecided" because they moved at the last minute and can't be located, I would be happy to try to find where they went. If they are undecided because they are nursing home-confined and aren't sure if arrangements can be made to get them there, I'm a retired rehabilitation counselor and was able to arrange for one such classmate to get to the reunion last time. 3f. We had 2 classmates who were close to dying in 2007. I bought giant greeting cards which everyone at the reunion signed and added personal comments. One was hand-delivered by another classmate, and the other was mailed. Some financial flexibility to purchase giant cards and postage would be nice. g. (New) Courtesy coordination contact with any junior high school'63 reunions who may want to coordinate with the New Trier'67 reunion. h. (New) Coordinate with New Trier Alumni office and notify attendees about campus tours on Saturday morning. i. (New) Decide who will handle "New Trier 1967 Reunion" Facebook page or arrange alternate web presence and notify Facebook members if changed. 3j. (New) Handle Meryl Brodsky Wassner's plans for a NT67 alumni cookbook which could also be the reunion souvenir from item 2m (above). 3k. (New) Memorial display with names and photos. EKR: Hotels typically charge $400 for a projector & screen It makes sense for the Committee to provide this. Bob: As long as they're going to produce photo name tags (see 2j), could they create a poster or Power Point display of classmates who have passed. In 2007, Mary Robling arranged for a Power-Point display of 74 classmates which Class President John Green and Student Council President the Rev. Rod Peterson narrated. We now have over 150 late classmates, and perhaps a Power-Point on a lap-top on a table might be an option just due to the length of time. On the other hand the narrated memorial was very well received and if Varsity Reunion does the photo ID pictures, they can be put on a poster/display or a Power-Point. 3l. Contact Classmates.com

edreamleo commented 7 years ago

Here is the agreement in PDF form: New Trier 1967 Reunion Agreement.pdf

cyndiclamp commented 7 years ago

If you have any questions about the agreement, please feel free to call me at (314) 647-6565 or e-mail me at cyndi@varsityreunions.com. I would be happy to discuss it with you.

It would be great if the entire committee signs the agreement, though I realize this may be hard to do. If one person wants to sign it on behalf of the committee, that would be fine.

Thank you for taking the time to review the agreement.

Cyndi Varsity Reunions

edreamleo commented 7 years ago

@cyndiclamp Iirc, you said we could sign "electronically". How do we do that?

cyndiclamp commented 7 years ago

Thanks for asking!

If one person could sign and send the agreement back to me, that would be fine. You may mail it or scan and e-mail it to me.

Then, if everyone on the committee wants to note in the comments section that they agree to the contract, that would be helpful.