eduard-malakhov / docs

This repository contains .NET Documentation.
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Merge patch-2 into issue-4072 #3

Closed eduard-malakhov closed 6 years ago

eduard-malakhov commented 6 years ago

Use "-" instead of "/".


On the title describe what you've fixed (or created) with this Pull Request (PR).


Insert a short (one or two sentence) summary here.

Fixes #Issue_Number

Note: The "Fixes #nnn" syntax in the PR description causes GitHub to automatically close the issue when this PR is merged. Remove that line if you don't have issues associated with this PR. Click on the Guidelines for Contributing link above for details.


Explain your changes, and why you made them. If that information is already available in the issue referenced above, just referencing the issue is preferred to copying the text.

This may not be necessary depending on the scope of the PR changes. For example, "fix typo in" is sufficient to describe that PR.

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