edwardtufte / tufte-css

Style your webpage like Edward Tufte’s handouts.
MIT License
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Issues with ePub #139

Closed benofben closed 5 years ago

benofben commented 6 years ago

Your project seems really cool, but it renders poorly with ePub. I realize that's probably outside the scope of what you're trying to do, but it was a bit of a bummer. Here's an example:


and another:


and my code underlying it (see build.sh to output the ePub): https://github.com/benofben/the_intelligent_property_investor/tree/bea1cd20527e5dd782a07af0e6089061fa1fd9db

daveliepmann commented 5 years ago

I appreciate the report but I'm afraid you're right, this is out of scope. Thanks.