eirikh1996 / Factions3Chat

A chat addon for Faction3
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Plugin breaking chat #1

Open VoltroXP opened 4 years ago

VoltroXP commented 4 years ago

Ok so this one is fairly simple in saying it but I have no idea what is wrong. I put the plugin on my server, and chat breaks. As in, anything I say in chat doesn't appear. I have this plugin, Pex, Essentials(X), and Factions3 which could be one of the culprits of the issue, but I can't find what is wrong because everything in my console appears fine.

Also, I messaged you on Bukkit where I talk about this issue a bit further and discuss a few suggestions.

yukisho commented 4 years ago

I am also having this issue. Only OP players can see chat, no one else can.

VoltroXP commented 4 years ago

Maybe it has something to do with permissions then? 🤔