eiryo-kawakami / wPGSA

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use argparse to process command line arguments #2

Closed inutano closed 8 years ago

inutano commented 8 years ago


$ python wPGSA --help


usage: wPGSA.py [-h] [--network-file network_file] [--logfc-file logFC_file]

Estimates relative activities of transcriptional regulators from given
transcriptome data.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --network-file network_file
                        network file used as a reference, shared in /network
  --logfc-file logFC_file
                        gene expression data file with the values in the Log2
                        fold-change, example in /sample_logFC_file

こんな感じです。 もしよければマージしてください!
