eiskalteschatten / developers-notebook-symfony

Developer's Notebook Symfony Web Application
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Developer's Notebook

Developer's Notebook is a tool created by a developer dissatisfied with other organizational tools on offer. It is designed to enhance a developer's workflow by giving them all of the common organizational tools necessary to get their job done in a single location.

It was created as a Symfony2-based PHP web application rather than a native program because developers often use multiple platforms and want access to their information from anywhere. PHP offers the flexibility to run on just about any server environment and is easily understandable and customizable. Its web-based nature also makes it easier for development teams to take advantage of.

The project is still in its infancy, but already has a basic set of usable functions that can be taken advantage of.


For more specific requirements, see http://symfony.com/doc/current/reference/requirements.html

Installation Instructions

Before you get started with either a development environment or a production environment, you will need to configure the application to use a database, then populate it with the correct tables.

To create a database perform the following steps:

  1. Browse to app/config and make a copy of the "parameters.yml.dist" file. Name it "parameters.yml".
  2. Change the parameters to connect to your database.
  3. Choose a name for your database and add it here.
  4. Browse to the root of Developer's Notebook and run the following command to create your database:
php app/console doctrine:database:create

Once you have done that, you can have Developer's Notebook automatically populate the database with the necessary tables:

  1. Browse to the root of Developer's Notebook.
  2. Run the following command:
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force

For more information about Symfony2/Doctrine and databases, see Symfony2's documentation:


Now you have setup the database and can install the Symfony2 dependencies.

Install Dependencies

The application cannot run without the standard Symfony2 dependencies. To install these, browse to the application's root directory and run:

composer install

Now you can proceed with the environment-specific steps.

Development Environment

Since PHP 5.4 or later comes with a built-in server, it is recommended, but certainly not required, to use this during the development stage.

Simply navigate to the root directory of Developer's Notebook and run the following command:

php app/console server:start

To stop the server, run:

php app/console server:stop

For more details, see Symfony2's documentation:


Production Environment

Setting up a production environment is slightly different than a development environment and varies widely depending on your web server, configuration and needs. Apache, Nginx or other production-ready web servers should be used rather than PHP's built-in server.

To see how to setup your production server, see Symfony2's documentation:
