Open Juice805 opened 8 years ago
A configuration window has been discussed before, but always pushed back as we want the application to use minimal configuration(if any). There are sane setting overrides that make sense to have even in a fully automatic application, and this is one of them.
Implementing this function would be trivial, but would require some form of permanent configuration to be valid. In the mean-time, I'll add the flag "-DstartMinimized" from version 2.1 onwards. Example usage of that would be running the application with "-DstartMinimized=true". Keep in mind we haven't set a date for 2.1 yet, and development is still in the research stage.
Start on boot is a bit more difficult to implement from our side due to the cross-platform nature of the application. We've made huge breakthroughs in per-platform behaviour, but this one is very specialized. It may be up to the user to configure their host system to launch the application on boot(trivial for Linux and Windows, unsure about OSX(comments, @zhedar ?))
Well configuration wise we could simply add a CheckboxMenuItem
for the boot on startup, option, ticked off by default to the TrayIcon context menu, that wouldn't clutter the UI. Same goes for the start hidden though.
But an automatic boot on start up option could be quite troublesome to implement. There's a simple configuration key in the plist available, but we had problems with modifying the plist in the past, so I'm not sure, if that would work. However, adding autostart applications by hand is also simple on OSX.
Once we actually have a configuration system though, we'd want to add alot more settings, such as "main account", "replays location override", "store application data in", and with a multiprovider setup; "enabled providers". This would require a window of its own, so we may as well do this properly right off the bat when adding permanent configuration options.
I would be more than happy with a flag for a minimized start or even better a simple checkbox for now and I can handle the startup on boot. Thanks for your hard work!
It is trivial for an end user to cause any application to start up on login of the user on OS X (drag to login items in the user's system preference). With the current nature of the program and the UI, this is a much better way to do it than at boot.
If only the upload full finished matches portion were to be run as a headless service in the future, then on boot for that portion might make sense as an option at that time, however HotS stores data in user directories, so security and permissions would become a thing if trying to run as a system service at boot instead of as the user.
The closest thing to the above -DstartMinimized option would be to start it hidden in the background. Something that could be considered as an option for the future would be to make it only a menu item and not an app that shows in the dock, though this would remove the ability to command+tab from the game to the uploader to see stats on the other team during load.
is there any argument or setting i can change to have the program start silently in the task bar (Windows). I would like to have it automatically start on boot.