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EUIfying Kibana #15282

Closed cjcenizal closed 6 years ago

cjcenizal commented 6 years ago

We're going to rebuild Kibana's UI using EUI Framework components, achieving two goals:

We have two requirements for the process of getting there:

The game plan

The K7 look-and-feel is a huge step forward but clashes with our existing look-and-feel. Fortunately, @snide designed the Sass portion of the EUI codebase to be themeable. We'll build a "K6 theme" in EUI (which is essentially a collection of Sass variables), which will apply the same look-and-feel we currently have in Kibana to the EUI components. This will let us add EUI as an NPM dependency to Kibana and we'll have the ability to use EUI React components throughout Kibana and X-Pack without any visual inconsistency.

Once we've converted our entire UI layer to consist solely of EUI components, we'll be able to remove the K6 theme variables and the entire Kibana UI will bear the K7 visual style. Work complete!

See https://github.com/elastic/kibana/pull/14948 for the original proof-of-concept of this idea and resulting discussion.

Who will be responsible?

Ultimately, the entire team will need to participate in this undertaking because of its enormous scope. Initially, I'll lead a small working group of engineers (@chrisronline, @nreese, @bmcconaghy) which will take point on this process and be responsible for identifying patterns, best practices, and other guidelines to share with the team at large.

We'll begin by executing this process against a few choice parts of the codebase. We'll choose areas of the codebase which have a limited scope, can be converted using existing EUI components, and are currently built in Angular. The goal of this exercise will be to suss out the best practices and technical challenges that come with this conversion. We're tracking progress at https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/15721.

We'll document what we learn throughout this exercise and fold in the insights gleaned by the @elastic/kibana-management team during their Reactification spike. Once we feel confident we understand the conversion process and its gotchas, we'll expand the process to the entire team. We'll work with each functional area team to define roadmap items and track progress on the release schedule. As we move forward we'll provide support and guidance to the greater team while picking up cross-cutting roadmap items (e.g. Notifications, Timepicker). As engineers discover a need for components, they'll collaborate with @elastic/kibana-design and be responsible for building these components for general use within EUI.

The nitty-gritty

Immediate tasks

Branching strategy and workflow

We'll use npm link to test EUI changes in Kibana during development. As we make changes to EUI we'll make corresponding updates in Kibana to consume the changed components, and backport both changes to their respective release branches. This does mean that if you check out an older commit of Kibana, you'll still be consuming the latest commit of the EUI dependency but after discussing this with @epixa, @jimgoodwin, and @snide we decided this will be a rare scenario and is a worthwhile tradeoff for a simpler branching strategy.

Stop using KUI Framework, Bootstrap, and LESS

These are all slated for the chopping block! So as soon as the EUI Framework becomes available within Kibana, new UIs should be built using its components. This includes both React UIs and non-React UIs, because we'll be able to use the EUI CSS classes directly in our markup. Likewise, we should also stop writing new LESS and stop working on the current KUI Framework, which would only add to our technical debt.

Create new components with the Design team

If an engineer needs components which don't exist yet, s/he can enlist the help of the Design team, which will provide designs for new components. They'll then help the engineer implement this component in the EUI Framework or as a Kibana-specific component within Kibana.

Migration plan for third-party plugin developers

cjcenizal commented 6 years ago

Depending upon EUI

What's the most appropriate way to branch EUI which both meets Kibana's needs and introduces the least amount of friction to the dev experience?

Branch per Kibana minor

In this case we create branches in EUI which mirror those of Kibana.

Kibana branch Depends upon EUI branch
master (8.0.0) master
7.x 7.x

Workflow impact

Branch per Kibana minor (precompiled)

@spalger suggested this option to avoid consuming untranspiled JS. When we make changes to EUI we can run a task which transpiles the source and pushes it to special sister branches.

Kibana branch Depends upon EUI branch
master (8.0.0) master-compiled
7.x 7.x-compiled

Workflow impact

Branch per EUI minor

This was suggested by @pugnascotia. In this scenario we consume EUI the same way Cloud does, via the published NPM module.

Kibana branch Depends upon EUI release Stemming from EUI branch
master (8.0.0) 2.0.5 2.0.x
7.x 0.1.3 0.1.x

Workflow impact

NOTE: Alternatively, we could depend upon each minor branch instead of the published release. This will incur the same workflow impact as the "Branch per Kibana minor" section, above.

cjcenizal commented 6 years ago

After talking about this with @epixa we decided to depend upon EUI minor branches. Depending upon a branch will make it easier for Kibana engineers to make changes in EUI and then consume them in Kibana. Using the EUI versioning scheme will reduce the number of branches in EUI and simplify the versioning process, though it will make the process of backporting changes more complex.

Because we'll depend upon branches, we need to figure out how to consume the untranspiled source. I like Court's suggestion to publish EUI's build tasks as part of its API, which Kibana can execute as part of its build process to generate the transpiled SCSS and JS. We'll just have to include the build tasks in our CHANGELOG and update version numbers accordingly when we make changes.

cjcenizal commented 6 years ago

@epixa Looks like depending upon branches is problematic because of caching issues. Yarn won't reinstall the dependency, even if the content of the branch changes. I think our best option is to just depend on NPM versions.

cjcenizal commented 6 years ago

Closing this as this process has been mapped out in meta issues and is well underway.