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[Security Solution] Make existing OpenAPI specs for Exceptions API documentation-ready #183838

Open maximpn opened 1 month ago

maximpn commented 1 month ago

Epic: https://github.com/elastic/security-team/issues/9530 Depends on: https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/183837

Deadline: Sep 24, 2024 (see milestones in https://github.com/elastic/security-team/issues/9400)


As part of the Serverless project, we need to make sure OpenAPI specs for all public Exceptions API endpoints are polished and ready to be published on a documentation website. Please look for more context in the epic, and please find below what needs to be done exactly.

API endpoints

The following public API endpoints were discovered during research:

To do

For all the Exceptions API endpoints (including those above), in the corresponding OpenAPI specification files, please:

Ask @maximpn to provide you with an example of a polished and documentation-ready OpenAPI spec. Please also ask @maximpn for a link to the generated API reference documentation (at the time of creating this ticket, it didn't exist).

elasticmachine commented 1 month ago

Pinging @elastic/security-detections-response (Team:Detections and Resp)

elasticmachine commented 1 month ago

Pinging @elastic/security-solution (Team: SecuritySolution)

elasticmachine commented 1 month ago

Pinging @elastic/security-detection-engine (Team:Detection Engine)

elasticmachine commented 1 month ago

Pinging @elastic/security-detection-rule-management (Team:Detection Rule Management)