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[Search:Stateful:EnterpriseSearch:WorkplaceSearch:UsersandRoles] Assign to specific groups input combobox is missing form label #202234

Open bhavyarm opened 2 days ago

bhavyarm commented 2 days ago

Description Assign to specific groups input combobox on create a role mapping panel on users and roles page should have a label so assistive technology can help the user figure out which input they would want to select.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Click on create role mapping on users and roles page
  2. Kibana opens create role mapping panel
  3. Scan the page with axe-core browser plugin
  4. The critical a11y violation for missing form label shows up for the input combo box for "Assign to specific groups"


Kibana Version: 8.17.0-SNAPSHOT OS: OS X Browser: Chrome latest

WCAG or Vendor Guidance (optional) Understanding SC 4.1.2: Name, Role, Value (Level A)(https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG22/Understanding/name-role-value.html) Related to: https://github.com/elastic/search-team/issues/8256

elasticmachine commented 2 days ago

Pinging @elastic/kibana-accessibility (Project:Accessibility)

bhavyarm commented 1 day ago

Ask Alex and Lina about user group common error in multiple places