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[ES|QL] Kibana does not display validation errors for unknown parameters #202351

Closed fake-haris closed 1 week ago

fake-haris commented 2 weeks ago

Kibana version: 8.17.0_BC2

Elasticsearch version: 8.17.0_BC2

Server OS version: Cloud

Browser version: Chrome-latest

Browser OS version: OSX

Original install method (e.g. download page, yum, from source, etc.): BC2 on Cloud

Describe the bug: Found while testing. Expected to get 3 errors but got 1 error while executing this ES|QL Query: FROM kibana_sample_data_logs | EVAL foo = ABS("") | EVAL CEIL(foo), CBRT(foo)


elasticmachine commented 2 weeks ago

Pinging @elastic/kibana-esql (Team:ESQL)

stratoula commented 1 week ago

Why are you expecting to see 3 errors here? If the abs argument is being fixed then everything else will be valid so I think the validation works as expected here. I am closing this but feel free to ping me if there is something else that I have missed