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[Dashboard] Allow Authors to Limit Interactivity #9575

Closed cjcenizal closed 6 months ago

cjcenizal commented 7 years ago


Dashboard authors want to be able to limit which functionalities are accessible to the end user / analyst.


Dashboard authors should be able to disallow users from doing the following.

Related issues

riccardone commented 7 years ago

Is there any plan to implement this feature? For me it's the possibility of disallow filtering in embedded iframes

stacey-gammon commented 7 years ago

@riccardone we have it on our tentative schedule, but things have been known to shift around. It's definitely something we want to add, just a matter or prioritizing among many other features we want to tackle as well.

paolomangano commented 6 years ago

Is there any news about this feature priority? For me it's generating dashboard with dynamic filtering and disallowing filtering in embedded frames too. Thanks.

stacey-gammon commented 6 years ago

Another request for a share link option to convert relative to absolute times: https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/1348

stacey-gammon commented 6 years ago

Another option for share link creation to show or hide the time filter: https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/5630

that-dom commented 6 years ago

I'm onsite doing a consulting engagement and this customer is interested in this issue. They already use an embedded dashboard for their custom web app. Without the date picker and search bar, we're going to have to great creative for the time being.

teomurgi commented 6 years ago

Interested in options to include time picker in embeddable link and also in an option to hide "add filter" section

siben168 commented 6 years ago

really interested in this sort of features! +1

mfinholt commented 5 years ago

+1 on this. Specifically, i would like to disable the filter management bar on embedded charts. Would another option be to pass in a URL param that hides that bar? I don't mind extra work to make this happen. Thanks

stacey-gammon commented 5 years ago

@mfinholt the bigger problem is not in hiding the bar but in restricting filter actions from the visualizations themselves. The user can click on a pie slice, for example, and filter on it, and then without the filter bar the context of the results isn't clear.

mfinholt commented 5 years ago

Thanks, @Stacey-Gammon! I really appreciate your prompt response. I understand how taking away that context is problematic in many cases but it isn't in my use case. I would love the option to do this - even if it comes with a "you're on your own" disclaimer.

pedrotcm commented 5 years ago

@mfinholt, If you do not really want to display the filter bar, you can try changing the source code. In the file "dashboard_app.js". Add the excerpt to the url parameter, for example, in the embedded dashboard url you should add the "unfiltered" parameter: https: // localhost: 6300/app/kibana#/dashboard/7bb1e5e0-539c-11e8-a167-d3353eec0840?embed=true&unfiltered

And in the file "dashboard_app.js":

var isFiltered = true;
if ($routeParams.unfiltered){
    isFiltered = false;

And in the line where you have this excerpt add the condition: $scope.showFilterBar = () => (filterBar.getFilters().length > 0 || !dashboardStateManager.getFullScreenMode()) && isFiltered;

Then just delete the optimize folder from the kibana directory and start it.

francisca-lima commented 5 years ago

Hello. Any solution to include time picker in embedded link? Thank you.

ghost commented 5 years ago

Still is there any plan to implement this feature? For me, this is an important feature to other segments of bussiness can will use Kibana. In my company we will change the solution only for this. Its very sad for me, because i believe in all ES stack, but i have no arguments when asked me if an user with a visualization with one filter with one field parameter access to iframe can change the value of parameter in filter to view information, in the same index, that pertence an another user. Thank you.

remmeier commented 5 years ago

quite suprised the ticket is still open given its importance

rajesnal commented 5 years ago

By any chance, this will be prioritized in the next releases. We are really looking into this. hopefully, someone can help to address the age-old issue.

thekofimensah commented 4 years ago

Would love this functionality when embedding iframes

soumendrak commented 4 years ago

Almost three years. Still, this High important issue is open! Surprising!

Edit on 4th Jan 2019: After 1111 days and ~30 participants, this issue still stands tall.

sergio2611 commented 4 years ago

Would be nice to add this feature, Elastic is a great stack and Kibana is pretty strong, but not allowing the user to customize the dashboard to be embedded in a separate web it is bad. I personally would love to have a way to add the TimeFilter for the dashboard.

Thank you

skyhighpn commented 4 years ago

+1 for this feature.

ShellySingh1 commented 4 years ago

+1 for time_picker and search bar in embedded dashboard.

ShellySingh1 commented 4 years ago

Could someone suggest alternate ways to include time_picker and search bar in embedded dashboard. I am using Kibana7.4 and tried the time plugin from https://github.com/nreese/kibana-time-plugin but it did not work. Any suggestions or pointers will be extremely useful. Thanks.

MarnieGordon commented 4 years ago

+1 for additional embed options.

Sagesh commented 4 years ago

+1 for the feature

alexlopespereira commented 4 years ago

+1 for the feature

johnathan-s commented 4 years ago

+1 for this feature

imalreadytaken commented 4 years ago

Please, I need the time filter.

eltonplima commented 4 years ago

+1 for the feature

IvanLucasB commented 4 years ago


ghost commented 4 years ago


asharafshahi commented 4 years ago


asharafshahi commented 4 years ago

@pedrotcm 's option to include the &unfiltered URL parameter does not seem to work with the latest version of Kibana on cloud.elastic.co. Is there anything else needed for this in the SaaS Elastic service?

mytototo commented 4 years ago

Any news regarding this feature? It is very important for me to have more control on the embedding options. I unfortunately can't use this feature without more options.

mruthun commented 4 years ago

+1 for this feature. Having this feature will tremendously will help in our project.

dgalmeida commented 4 years ago

+1 for the feature

4islam commented 4 years ago

+1 for the feature

hirnschmalz commented 4 years ago

Another +1 for this one!

Kolano commented 4 years ago

Ug, come on folks. Use the "Thumbs Up" on the issue for your pointless +1's. There is no reason everyone subscribed to an issue needs to know you support the investigation of it.

Please only comment if you have some pertinent details related to an issue.

JacobBrandt commented 4 years ago

It’s been over 3 years. Thumbs ups and +1s are all pointless at this point. The only way this gets added is for someone outside the team to put in a pull request. The team will then get a little pressure to finally do something about it and implement your contribution in another way. It’s how old tickets that have large community support to see get added finally happen. History repeats itself here. I honestly don’t see this happening any other way.

Show them that this is truly an open source community and provide a solution to the problem that they can’t ignore if you want to see this happen. Your solution wouldn’t have to be all of the options mentioned in this ticket. Just pick one you really want to see happen and the rest could follow.

Sorry, but anything else at this point is pointless. Those thumbs ups didn’t change the teams tentative schedule we heard about 2 years ago. So “Be the change” as it were and things will start moving.

remmeier commented 4 years ago


FYI: for anybody interested, you can look at the attached ZIP. We make use of it to hide the datepicker. This gives us a minimal visualization without anything around it.

balintbekefi commented 4 years ago

@remmeier seems like that plugin no longer works with the latest versions of Kibana... It relied on displaying something that was hidden in the code with CSS; now they've removed the hidden code.

shubham184 commented 4 years ago

+1 for this feature, i can practically view all the fields in an index which becomes a high security risk

nimaansary commented 4 years ago


littlebeer commented 4 years ago


bushjavier commented 4 years ago


baigawan commented 3 years ago


grantmcd commented 3 years ago


bhavinshah1086 commented 3 years ago


axxyhtrx commented 3 years ago


LukePrior commented 3 years ago

+1 for the feature