elastic / uptime

This project includes resources and general issue tracking for the Elastic Uptime solution
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[Exploratory View] Better option for showing ping status #447

Closed paulb-elastic closed 8 months ago

paulb-elastic commented 2 years ago

This is an Uptime specific use case, so is expected to be handled by the Synthetics/RUM team as opposed to the Unified Observability team

There are cases where it is useful to represent the Pings over time chart that’s available in Uptime, within Exploratory View (with further options to save in a custom dashboard, or further modify in Lens (for example, in a recent forum post).

This isn’t easily achieved today, as there are separate report metrics for Up Pings and Down Pings, not a single option, and no breakdowns/filters to further slice the data.


Having a single All Pings option with options to breakdown and filter by Ping status gives more flexibility.
