element-hq / element-android

A Matrix collaboration client for Android.
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Don't notify me when I have the desktop client and I'm active on my machine #1336

Open Standard8 opened 4 years ago

Standard8 commented 4 years ago


Actual Results

Expected Results

subversion23 commented 4 years ago

I wouldn't like that. I have my PC running and a desktop session open most of the time. When i leave the room, i would like to continue receiving notifications on mobile.

On Riot the notification was removed from all sessions after it was read on one device. Don't know why this isn't working anymore.
That would be the best solution imho.

edit: as proposed in #523

Standard8 commented 4 years ago

I have my PC running and a desktop session open most of the time. When i leave the room, i would like to continue receiving notifications on mobile.

The description purposely says "when I'm active on my machine". I don't want my app and my phone going off at the same time, when I'm already working on my desktop - there's no point, I'm on the desktop and I'm going to see it there. If I get it on my phone as well, I sometimes have to go and check it isn't a different alert - more distractions.

If I've just left my machine, and the notification comes in (but e.g. it hasn't gone to sleep yet), then I'd expect it to alert on the desktop, see that I don't do anything at all on the desktop for, say, a minute, then alert my mobile.

If my machine is asleep/locked, then I'd expect it to notify on both desktop & mobile straight away.

On Riot the notification was removed from all sessions after it was read on one device. Don't know why this isn't working anymore. That would be the best solution imho.

edit: as proposed in #523

This would be in addition to that - they're not exclusive, and I'd like that as well. For this issue the distinction is that I don't want multiple devices going off when I am already using my desktop.

Ulfgott commented 4 years ago

I may chime in on that topic... I wholeheartedly agree on the complaint of Standard8. The parallel and synchronous notification on desktop and mobile is quite annoying. Especially for the noisy notifications.

In result the phone always rings on noisy (aka important) messages while I am getting them sitting in front of my PC. In conclusion I have to either mute my Phone completely (which is no option) or have to mute the current mobile session of element. But then I will have to remember to unmute it, when goin offline on PC which is highly inconvenient and will most likely lead to missed messages repeatedly.

Mattermost for instance offers an option "mobile push notifications only when away/offline [on PC]". Implementing such option would be a huge diffrence in quality OF LIFE as I dont have to chose between constant terror of beeping and missing important stuff.

Thanks for all ya efforts dear devs <3

wincak commented 3 years ago

I came here to agree with Standard8 too, that would work great for messages in phone+PC situation. But it can get even more complicated.

First, you can be logged in on multiple devices, not just a phone+PC. I used to have Riot running on two laptops (personal+work), phone and a tablet. And switched between the devices during the day. Which client should get the notifications if I don't use any device for some time? All of them? Just the selected one(s)? What should happen when someone calls you and you are signed in on multiple devices? For example I actively text on my laptop when someone tries to call me. But the laptop is docked and has the webcam taped over so I would prefer to answer the call on my phone. Currently all clients start ringing at once which does do the job but is pretty annoying. Maybe it could be possible to be notified about the call on the active device but optionally "redirect" the call to another client?

How do other messengers solve this problem? Afaik XMPP has some sort of client priority settings but that never properly worked for me...

nourkagha commented 3 years ago

Would really like a solution for this. I have my phone notifications synced to my desktop (to keep up with notifications from other apps), and when I'm active on my desktop and using Element, I essentially get duplicate notifications from Element (one from desktop and one from my phone). It becomes irritating.

Discord solves it through the following:

After X (minimum 5 minutes) period of inactivity on your desktop, you will start getting push notifications on your phone.

If this happens, and you choose to view it on desktop instead, the notification will clear from your phone. This is much better syncing.

MrConorAE commented 1 year ago

Would there be some way of using the session information already stored in Matrix for this? In the Sessions panel of Settings, you can see devices and when they were last active, which seems to update to the minute (roughly) when I tested it.