elidehher / TodoApp-FlutterFlow

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US5 Creating a User Profile #19

Open elidehher opened 2 weeks ago

elidehher commented 2 weeks ago

User Story: Creating a User Profile

AS A user, I WANT TO create a profile with my name and birthday, TO personalize my experience in the app SO THAT the app can store my personal information and display it appropriately.

SCENARIO: Successful Profile Creation

GIVEN the user is on the profile creation screen, WHEN the user enters a valid name and selects a birthday, AND clicks the “Complete Profile” button, THEN the profile should be created, AND the user should be redirected to the main screen WITHIN 2 seconds.

SCENARIO: Empty Name Field

GIVEN the user is on the profile creation screen, WHEN the user leaves the name field empty, AND clicks the “Complete Profile” button, THEN the system should display an error message stating “Name cannot be empty” WITHIN 1 second, AND prevent the profile creation process.

SCENARIO: Invalid Birthday Selection

GIVEN the user is on the profile creation screen, WHEN the user tries to select an invalid or future date for the birthday, AND clicks the “Complete Profile” button, THEN the system should display an error message stating “Please select a valid birthday” WITHIN 1 second, AND prevent the profile creation process.