elifesciences / elife-pubmed-feed

code to support uploading feeds to pubmed for POA articles and VOR articles
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LinkOut program #13

Closed Melissa37 closed 9 years ago

Melissa37 commented 9 years ago

If you have full-text of your articles available at your website, you may also be interested in participation in our LinkOut program. In this program you can submit holdings files in conjunction with your XML citation files which will allow users to link from the MEDLINE citation to the full-text articles. Please review the following link for more information: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/linkout/. You can reach the LinkOut Team at linkout@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov.

Melissa37 commented 9 years ago

Sample starter files added: https://github.com/elifesciences/elife-pubmed-feed/blob/master/eLife09012014.xml https://github.com/elifesciences/elife-pubmed-feed/blob/master/providerinfo.xml

In communication with NCBI as to how we generate these files. Questions with them: the sample I used is an author accepted ms. Presumably we'd need to send you two versions per article as if it is published as an accepted manuscript and then a full version of record, the url changes I have read through the documentation and the email string and still have a few questions. Sorry if I am being a bit slow on the uptake, we don't have any examples of what HW currently does. I've cc'd in our developer, who is building the eLife automated tool that will create the PubMed deposits. It woudl be great to have a call to discuss set up and explain anything we don't understand, if you have the time!

Am I right that the provider file is a generic file that is supplied each time, but it could be boilerplate as it does not change per entry for eLife (ie all content is free and we're providing it). I have attached a sample - the only thing missing is the ProviderID, which you will give us?

Regarding the Resource file, I have attached a semi-formed sample. Can you let me know whether what I have done is correct: File name - I've used eLife and the date we'll deliver to you as the naming convention The Link ID is an id per article - presumably if we're sending more that one article at a time we just build them up in the same xml file, under different sections? ProviderID - to be provided by NCBI IconUrl - please can you send us the url of the icon you are currently using with HW? Do they host it? If so, we'd host it in future, so would provide a new url Database - Do you need the specific locations of the files in this database (PubMed) and if so, would we get these urls/ids from the email we receive from PubMed. So the workflow would be to pull the PMID from the email and populate it here and then send the linkout xml files? Presumably you create any cross links with PMC direct?

and . I don't understand this at all, sorry! Can you elaborate? Does the below look right to you? http://elifesciences.org/content/early/2014/08/29/eLife.03125 http://elifesciences.org individual online article Free author manuscript Further to the recent communication with HW, at eLife we'll provide the following in the PubMed deposits: 10.7554/eLife.00776 ... 10.7554/eLife.00776 I assume therefore we'll be fine?