elisa-tech / meta-elisa

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Add missing build step for "add-layer" #10

Closed pahmann closed 3 years ago

pahmann commented 3 years ago

Add one missing step for adding the demo layer to the build

Signed-off-by: Philipp Ahmann philipp.elisa.project@gmail.com

AGLExport commented 3 years ago

Current layer design is supported agl feature by templates/feature/elisa-cluster-demo. In this case, not need to "bitbake-layers add-layer".

Can you tell me in which environment (jj? master?) need it?

Jochen-Kall commented 3 years ago

I thought so too based on your commit messages, and the template, but when I tried to build, it did not work unless I manually add-layer it. I'll give it a try once more in the evening and let you know what exactly it complains about if I don't add the layers by hand

Jochen-Kall commented 3 years ago

Gave it another try, whatever went wrong the first time around, a missing bitbake-layers add-layer was not the issue, it now builds just fine without it. We can discard this pull request in my opinion, sorry for the confusion :P

AGLExport commented 3 years ago

Thank you Jochen.

I try to clean build yesterday. In this timing, meta-elisa automagical include was available too.

pahmann commented 3 years ago

Thanks for clarification. It seems no action is required. I will close this PR.