elishacloud / Silent-Hill-2-Enhancements

A project designed to enhance Silent Hill 2 (SH2) graphics and audio for the PC. It also includes scripts to build or modify SH2 audio files (SFX, BGM and Dialog).
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Do you guys want help with translations? #111

Closed natanqb closed 3 years ago

natanqb commented 5 years ago

Hi guys, first of all thank you very much for the amazing work you have done so far. I created this topic to see if you guys want help with translations to languages that aren't supported yet. If you want, i offer myself to help with a brazilian portuguese translation.

IlDucci commented 4 years ago

Edit: Oh, and @IlDucci I've asked my friend to make a call-out for a Japanese proof-reader as well. Hopefully something will come of it: https://twitter.com/SH_Historical/status/1206635946386444288 https://www.facebook.com/silenthillhistoricalsociety/posts/2748899655156865

Let's hope that attracts someone interested.

In the meantime, I was browsing around the issues and saw your fun times with Russian. This tool could work with any non-EFIGS and Japanese languages if you can research out the character table and edit the table.txt file (To play around translations and tables, I'd suggest using the uncompiled py scripts, as the compiled version doesn't currently support "external" tables).

Polymega commented 4 years ago


Also, I just realized the reason why the "Partidas g" text bug appear. It was a failure of my own, turns out that there was a bug with the comments function of the tool and the message file for that part of the hotel had one string less than what it should have. Seems like, besides the obvious disordering of lines, it can cause that sort of text corruption.

Can you explain this part in more detail? I switched over to the new Spanish pack and am also experiencing this issue now. It doesn't happen for the "Load Game" selection menu, but it does happen for the "Save Game" selection menu.

sh2pc 2019-12-23 21-19-47

Can you also test this to see if you experience it as well? Load a game file, then select "Save Game" and scroll the save files.

Edit: I used the vanilla/default Director's Cut .mes files and the save folder tab's text seems to be glitchy here, as well. It looks like this may be an inherent bug with the game, but it only happens on the "Save Game" screen?

IlDucci commented 4 years ago

Edit: I used the vanilla/default Director's Cut .mes files and the save folder tab's text seems to be glitchy here, as well. It looks like this may be an inherent bug with the game, but it only happens on the "Save Game" screen?

I thought it was related to a mishap I caused, I accidentally deleted one string from a file in this particular screen and I thought the letters being removed was something related to memory issues, (that's why we added a string number to the file, as a precaution) but if you're telling me that this happened with the vanilla game... Then yes, seems like this happens just here.

Seems like there's a limit there to exactly 11 characters, just the ones needed for English (Saved Games).

There's also another thing that bothers me. Did you guys managed to make the Save/Load screen display a date, rather than the ingame elapsed time?

Polymega commented 4 years ago

Seems like there's a limit there to exactly 11 characters, just the ones needed for English (Saved Games).

I tested this the other day and that may not be the case. At one point it went down to just "Partidas":


There's also another thing that bothers me. Did you guys managed to make the Save/Load screen display a date, rather than the ingame elapsed time?

Yes, press right or left on the game file selection screen, it will cycle through different time display options.

Polymega commented 4 years ago

I can't look into this too much today or tomorrow, but it seems to be a result of using special characters (possibly such as ó or ª) for m_card(_x)_msg_*.mes. I used the English .mes wording, but changed the tab name to "Partidas guardadas", saved it out as m_card_x_msg_s.mes, and the tab words never glitched out:


IlDucci commented 4 years ago

There's also another thing that bothers me. Did you guys managed to make the Save/Load screen display a date, rather than the ingame elapsed time?

Yes, press right or left on the game file selection screen, it will cycle through different time display options.

Well, crap. That means I translated the save locations without keeping those dates in mind. As a matter of fact, the PC version is the most restrictive here (The longest choice is the date, which is displayed with both the date and the time, while in XBOX and PS2 they are split between two choices, one for the date and one for the time). I have to abbreviate a couple of names. (MAKE SURE YOU TELL THIS TO ANY PROSPECTIVE TRANSLATORS and check these! It's these kind of semihidden things that can make a good translation not that good).

As for the Saved Games slicing, I'm not so sure it's an accent thing. I have a feeling it's a overall/allocated size thing, as the PC version's m_card_x file is the longest one in all consoles (Because of all the extra save location names).

I'm gonna do a quick test removing all accents from the Spanish version.

IlDucci commented 4 years ago

It's an allocated size thing. I've done two things:

sh2pc 2019-12-24 23-40-35

There's more characters in the tab text. So... I can't remove too much else from the file, so this should be fixed on your end.

Polymega commented 4 years ago

Funny timing, as I just figured out another solution, I think:

Presiona Retroceso para borrar archivos.

This string is too long and is causing the sliced/missing text elsewhere. When I shortened it, the issues no longer happened.

Edit: The tab text would "flicker" for a moment when scrolling through save file selections, but the full verbiage remained in my tests. So this may not be a definite solution. But it does seem like it may be an overall text-length issue for the .mes file?

IlDucci commented 4 years ago

You were right. Damn... Do you want me to shorten this? This might also affect other official languages.

Polymega commented 4 years ago

I just edited my post. My OCD really wants to keep playing with this right now but I have to head out (Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!). Here's what I edited into my last post:

The tab text would "flicker" for a moment when scrolling through save file selections, but the full verbiage remained in my tests. So this may not be a definite solution. But it does seem like it may be an overall text-length issue for the .mes file?

IlDucci commented 4 years ago

Either that or, if your particular line makes any sense, some sort of text-related buffer, specifically, text that is printed on space could have some sort of limitation?

I just checked the other official languages. French and German also have a long Backspace string. So...

Happy Holidays!

Polymega commented 4 years ago

Yeah, the other official languages also experienced glitchiness, to varying degrees, for the tab text in my tests. This must have been overlooked during the PC conversion process.

IlDucci commented 4 years ago


Here's the new version of the Spanish texts, with the offending save locations shortened.

Polymega commented 4 years ago

@IlDucci I think I got it figured out. There are two things you must do:

  1. The "delete with backspace" line must be short in length. This is probably contextually incorrect but, for the Spanish version, I changed it to "Retroceso para eliminar".
  2. The tab text must be eleven characters or less.

If you shorten the "backspace" line but make the tab text longer than 11 characters: The full tab text verbiage will remain intact but will momentarily flicker when scrolling through save files.

If the "backspace" line is long and the tab text is shorter that 11 characters: The full tab text verbiage will remain intact but will momentarily flicker when scrolling through save files.

If the "backspace" line is long and the tab text is longer that 11 characters: It can slice the tab text (the current issue we're having).

It looks like the "backspace" line needs to be 27 characters or less.

These changes seem to fully fix the issue:


... so the question is: Is "Retroceso para eliminar" an acceptable substitute?

IlDucci commented 4 years ago

Is acceptable, but I'd like to polish things a bit further:

You can do the changes in this case, though I'll do them as well in my local files for the Dec. 28 release. In any case, can you guys do something about it via code?

Polymega commented 4 years ago

Awesome, thanks again IlDucci. I've adjusted the coloring on some of the save file names. Check out these modified files for your records. Basically all save files will be white, and "Game Result" & "Quick Save" will be yellow. New save/Saving/Deleting will be blue. I've edited this across the board for all language files.


In any case, can you guys do something about it via code?

Possibly. But, if it can be "fixed" by shortening two strings, it's easier to try and keep those lines short, instead. Saves time and resources for other tasks.

IlDucci commented 4 years ago

Well, as long as you don't forget about that for a later time, I'm okay with that.

I have released the patch on my site, but I've also did some final edits on the eleventh hour. There was a typo I didn't saw on the Acacia file, and I've did a couple of neutralization tweaks in the observatory.


I've posted my project here: https://tiovictor.romhackhispano.org/silent-hill-2-directors-cut/

And the news update is here: https://tiovictor.romhackhispano.org/2019/12/28/hemos-llegado-100-textos-traducidos/ (I've mixed it with an April Fools joke, as in Spain it's celebrated in December 28th, just in case you see something funny).

Polymega commented 4 years ago

Thanks again, IlDucci. I'll also make an announcement on our Twitter page for your Castillian language pack with a link to your project page for it in the near future. We really appreciate all your help to make the user experience for Spanish-speaking fans better.

IlDucci commented 4 years ago

I've done a minor tweak on the Options menu, after some suggestions.


Polymega commented 4 years ago

Got it; thanks.

Polymega commented 4 years ago

@IlDucci @Bruno3589 Can you guys give me a quick translation of the following line in your respective languages? This is for a save file name:


@IlDucci You will want to update that decription for your Castilian project as well. Basically, if you custom save at the beginning bathroom, BAR Neely's, or the Motorhome, the save file currently just says "Toilet."

IlDucci commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the heads-up! I'd use this:


Bruno3589 commented 4 years ago

Here's Italian: Gabinetto/Bar/Roulotte

Polymega commented 4 years ago

@IlDucci In reference to your post here: https://github.com/elishacloud/Silent-Hill-2-Enhancements/issues/111#issuecomment-532780215

Bigmanjapan has a Japanese contact who read over the extracted Xbox Japanese .mes files and has confirmed the extraction is good. Besides any inherent typos (that have always been in the Japanese text), everything was extracted without issue.

I'm not sure if you'd still want to restore the Japanese text for SH2 PC, but if it's something you'd like to look into, you might need to disable the HD font (UseCustomFonts = 0) as we never made HD versions of the Japanese characters (so as to keep the HD font file's size down).

IlDucci commented 4 years ago

Well, my only intentions with the Japanese table was to make sure our tool was 100% usable on every existing official language. Now that your contact (can you tell us its nickname, so we can credit him?) has confirmed that the Japanese language can be dumped and edited, I can consider the tool finished.

Polymega commented 4 years ago

Understood and no problem. I'll ask BMJ his contact's name a little later and let you know. Thank you both again, IlDucci and Infrid, for all your help with this.

Polymega commented 3 years ago

Thank you all for your hard work in making better text editing tools and fixing typos/errors in your respective languages.

JohnModest commented 1 year ago

The creator of this tool, John Modest, has gone completely radio silent many, many years back. Several people have tried contacting him to no success. I also believe the email on the programs we use is no longer valid, either. Mr. Modest also made other useful SH PC editing tools, such as a texture and audio explorer for the games. Unfortunately, I don't see these pieces of software ever being updated/improved upon.

Yes. To edit text, I made another program a long time ago. The source is not left.

JohnModest commented 1 year ago

shtxtconv.exe mes -> txt txt->mes

Polymega commented 1 year ago

Oh wow! What a surprise! Nice to see you here, John.

A lot of progress has been made in the Silent Hill modding scene over the years.

Two great examples include a new .mes <-> .txt editing tool called SH2MSGConvert. In addition to this, a SH2 level editor is currently being developed to allow us to modify the game's assets.