Closed dbulic closed 6 years ago
It looks like something went wrong with your update. When adding just Geolix to a new project the sub-dependency was properly resolved and everything worked fine.
Do you have by chance any version control in place to check if the dependency change was properly taken care of?
Line in mix.lock says this:
"geolix": {:hex, :geolix, "0.15.0", "daa7015007e52901d63034abdd08c7f2d4c55232d95118b2f425f7576da0eaf5", [:mix], [{:mmdb2_decoder, "~> 0.1.0", [hex: :mmdb2_decoder, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:poolboy, "~> 1.0", [hex: :poolboy, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm"},
I have manually specified mmdb2_decoder as mentioned above. So, this looks good. I can try to get rid of mmdb2_decoder in mix.exs and redeploy to see if it will crash production. Will do that later, am busy with something at the moment.
I think I found the actual source of your problems. It looks like I messed up the application configuration so your release (you are using releases, right?) did not build properly. Could you try the new version 0.15.1
to see if it works as expected?
Yep, that fixed it. Good job.
I had to add
{:mmdb2_decoder, "~> 0.1.0"},
to mix.exs in v0.15, otherwise Geolix can't decode mmdb file.