elringus / sprite-dicing

Cross-engine tool for lossless compression of sprites with identical areas
MIT License
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Generate native Unity sprites #1

Closed elringus closed 4 years ago

elringus commented 6 years ago

Currently, a custom scriptable object is used to represent diced sprite asset. This leads to multiple complications and issues, like the need to use a custom renderer and the lack of some core native sprite features, like animation and masking support.

The main issue stopping us from switching to the native sprites is the lack of a way to set custom texture UVs to the Sprite objects. This is, alongside with the ability to set custom mesh geometry, is essential to reconstruct the original sprite from the diced atlas texture.

In case someone have an idea how to deal with the issue, or have any info on possible upcoming changes to the Unity’s sprite API, which will allow to set the UVs, please share it in this thread.

GilbertoBitt commented 5 years ago

@Elringus i was wondering if this would help achieve what you are looking for.

Tips: How to create an animating "Sprite" Unity-chan



elringus commented 5 years ago

Yeah, it could be it, thanks for sharing!

Tried to run a quick test, but looks like I'm missing something: https://github.com/Elringus/SpriteDicing/commit/d03389acbd4a501c568b832f0ba968a69437cd1f

Unfortunately, I don't currently have time to properly work on this; in case anyone will figure how to make it work, please send a PR (or just a code snippet) and I'll make sure to properly re-write the stuff.

GilbertoBitt commented 5 years ago

@Elringus i try your test and it worked like a charm for me. the only thing is that the sprite preview look like this. i just drag and drop the sprite generated to the scene and the sprite look like it was from PNG.

Edit1: I notice that when using sprite is needed a way to create RectSize to it. because right now is super small size so that's why the Sprite preview is tiny.

Edit2: to create proper Sprite the sprite must be small than the texture size and the EvaluateSpriteRect() just need return new Rect(**Vector2.zero, spriteSize*PixelPerUnit**); PixelPerUnit = same used on Sprite.Create than the rect became the same size and the Sprite is created.

and the atlasSize width and height must be higher than all used texture2D to avoid error when Sprite.Create a workaround from this limitation.


GilbertoBitt commented 5 years ago

I create this SpriteRenderedDiced.cs my fork https://github.com/GilbertoBitt/SpriteDicing

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using SpriteDicing;
using Unity.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.U2D;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;

public class SpriteRenderedDiced : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField]private SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer;
    public DicedSprite dicedSprite;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()

    private void RenderSpriteMesh()
        if(spriteRenderer == null)
            spriteRenderer = GetComponent(typeof(SpriteRenderer)) as SpriteRenderer;

        if (dicedSprite == null) return;
        var spriteGenerated =
            Sprite.Create(dicedSprite.AtlasTexture, dicedSprite.EvaluateSpriteRect(), dicedSprite.Pivot, 100);
        spriteGenerated.name = name;
        spriteGenerated.SetIndices(new NativeArray<ushort>(dicedSprite.TrianglesList.Select(t => (ushort) t).ToArray(),
            new NativeArray<Vector3>(dicedSprite.VerticesList.Select(v => new Vector3(v.x, v.y, 0)).ToArray(),
            new NativeArray<Vector2>(dicedSprite.UVsList.ToArray(), Allocator.Temp));
        if (spriteRenderer != null) spriteRenderer.sprite = spriteGenerated;

    private void OnValidate()

and add this to DicedSprite.cs since i need this 3 data from dicedSprite to create the sprite and apply to SpriteRenderer Component.

i also want to make this asset in a package to use with UpmGitExtension

        public List<int> TrianglesList => triangles;
        public List<Vector2> VerticesList => vertices;
        public List<Vector2> UVsList => uvs;
elringus commented 5 years ago

Thanks for checking and all the tips! Will look into this more today.

GilbertoBitt commented 5 years ago

I will also look into today as soon as I can I think I know now how to achieve the correct result. I'm changing the calculation for the size of the texture Atlas and also the calculation for the sprite. I'm using reflection to get the texture2D size from original sprites.

GilbertoBitt commented 5 years ago

i made a PR -> Unity sprite support #2 that will add correct native unity sprite support, i fix the calculation for the rect sized and the calculation for the size of the spriteAtlas.

elringus commented 5 years ago

Looks like everything is working, but there is one issue. When the sprite rect of a generated sprite is bigger than the atlas texture, Sprite constructor raises ArgumentException: Could not create sprite () from a () texture.: https://github.com/Elringus/SpriteDicing/blob/8b3073a886d4ad858214be24207a0671db9feecd/Assets/SpriteDicing/Editor/DicedSpriteAtlasEditor.cs#L527

It's possible to provide a fake sprite rect, which is smaller or equal to the atlas texture, but in this case some features would be broken (eg, culling, pivot, editor position and scale tools, etc).

I'll keep the unity-sprite branch until this is resolved.

Meanwhile, I've added asmdef and package.json files to the master branch, so it now can be used with Unity's package manager.

GilbertoBitt commented 5 years ago

Looks like everything is working, but there is one issue. When the sprite rect of a generated sprite is bigger than the atlas texture, Sprite constructor raises ArgumentException: Could not create sprite () from a () texture.:


It's possible to provide a fake sprite rect, which is smaller or equal to the atlas texture, but in this case some features would be broken (eg, culling, pivot, editor position and scale tools, etc).

I'll keep the unity-sprite branch until this is resolved.

Meanwhile, I've added asmdef and package.json files to the master branch, so it now can be used with Unity's package manager.

that's why i change a little the size limit adding a minimum size for width and height on DicedSpriteAtlasEditor.cs. I add this private variables to use.


then on the method DiceSourceTextures i add the code to get the biggest width and height based on the texture2Ds used.


On CreateAtlasTextures method i change a lot so here is the code and the pictures of the changes. this change apply minimum width or height size to the xLimit and yLimit but i still don't know how to increase the textureSize atlas if it's smaller than the minimum width and height. that's why i increase the texture limit to 8196 and then i calculate the limit before it crop.

image image

private bool CreateAtlasTextures (Dictionary<string, List<DicedUnit>> dicedUnits)
            DisplayProgressBar("Processing diced textures...", .5f);

            // Delete any previously generated atlas textures.
            for (int i = atlasTexturesProperty.arraySize - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var unusedTexture = atlasTexturesProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i).objectReferenceValue;
                DestroyImmediate(unusedTexture, true);
            atlasTexturesProperty.arraySize = 0;

            var atlasCount = 0;
            var unitSize = diceUnitSizeProperty.intValue;
            var paddingSize = paddingProperty.intValue;
            var paddedUnitSize = unitSize + paddingSize * 2;
            var forceSquare = this.forceSquareProperty.boolValue;
            var atlasSizeLimit = this.atlasSizeLimitProperty.intValue;
            var unitsPerAtlasLimit = Mathf.Pow(atlasSizeLimit / paddedUnitSize, 2);

            if (atlasSizeLimit < minHeight || atlasSizeLimit < minWidth)
                atlasSizeLimit = 8196;

            // Group name->units to name->hash->units map.
            var unitsToPackMap = dicedUnits.Select(nameToUnits => new KeyValuePair<string, Dictionary<int, List<DicedUnit>>>(nameToUnits.Key, nameToUnits.Value
                .GroupBy(units => units.ColorsHashCode).ToDictionary(hashToUnitsGroup => hashToUnitsGroup.Key, hashToUnitsGroup => hashToUnitsGroup.ToList())))
                .ToDictionary(nameToHashToUnits => nameToHashToUnits.Key, nameToHashToUnits => nameToHashToUnits.Value);

            // Pack units with distinct (inside atlas group) colors to the atlas textures.
            // Insure sprites integrity (units belonging to one sprite should be in a common atlas) and atlas size limit (distinct units per atlas count).
            while (unitsToPackMap.Count > 0)

                var atlasTexture = Utilities.CreateTexture(atlasSizeLimit, name: $"{target.name} {atlasCount:000}");
                var hashToUV = new Dictionary<int, Rect>(); // Colors hash to UV rects map of the packed diced units in the current atlas.
                var yToLastXMap = new Dictionary<int, int>(); // Y position of a units row in the current atlas to the x position of the last unit in this row.
                var xLimit = Mathf.NextPowerOfTwo(paddedUnitSize); // Maximum allowed width of the current atlas. Increases by the power of two in the process.
                var packedUnits = new List<DicedUnit>(); // List of the units packed to the current atlas.

                // Find units that can be packed to the current atlas (respecting atlas size limit and remaining free space).
                Func<KeyValuePair<string, Dictionary<int, List<DicedUnit>>>> findSuitableUnitsToPack = () => {
                    return unitsToPackMap.FirstOrDefault(nameToHashToUnits => {
                        var unitsToPackCount = nameToHashToUnits.Value.Count(hashToUnits => !hashToUV.ContainsKey(hashToUnits.Key));
                        return hashToUV.Keys.Count + unitsToPackCount <= unitsPerAtlasLimit;

                var suitableUnits = findSuitableUnitsToPack();
                if (suitableUnits.Key == null) // None of the source textures fit atlas limit. 
                    Debug.LogError("SpriteDicing: Unable to fit input textures to the atlas. Consider increasing atlas size limit.");
                    return false;

                while (suitableUnits.Key != null)
                    var packingProgress = 1f - (unitsToPackMap.Count / (float)dicedUnits.Count);
                    DisplayProgressBar("Packing diced textures...", .5f + .5f * packingProgress);

                    // Iterate suitable for packing units grouped by their color hashes.
                    foreach (var hashToUnits in suitableUnits.Value)
                        if (hashToUV.ContainsKey(hashToUnits.Key))
                            // We've already packed unit with the same colors to this atlas; assign it's UVs to the others in the group.
                            hashToUnits.Value.ForEach(unit => unit.QuadUVs = hashToUV[hashToUnits.Key]);

                        int posX, posY; // Position of the new unit on the atlas texture.
                        // Find row positions that have enough room for more units until next power of two.
                        var suitableYToLastXEnumerable = yToLastXMap.Where(yToLastX => xLimit - yToLastX.Value >= paddedUnitSize * 2);
                        if (suitableYToLastXEnumerable.Count() == 0) // When no suitable rows found.
                            // Handle corner case when we just started.
                            if (yToLastXMap.Count == 0)
                                yToLastXMap.Add(0, 0);
                                posX = 0;
                                posY = 0;
                            // Determine whether we need to add a new row or increase x limit.
                            else if (xLimit > yToLastXMap.Last().Key)
                                var newRowYPos = yToLastXMap.Last().Key + paddedUnitSize;
                                yToLastXMap.Add(newRowYPos, 0);
                                posX = 0;
                                posY = newRowYPos;
                                xLimit = Mathf.NextPowerOfTwo(xLimit + 1);
                                posX = yToLastXMap.First().Value + paddedUnitSize;
                                posY = 0;
                                yToLastXMap[0] = posX;
                        else // When suitable rows found.
                            // Find one with the least number of elements and use it.
                            var suitableYToLastX = suitableYToLastXEnumerable.OrderBy(yToLastX => yToLastX.Value).First();
                            posX = suitableYToLastX.Value + paddedUnitSize;
                            posY = suitableYToLastX.Key;
                            yToLastXMap[posY] = posX;

                        // Write colors of the unit to the current atlas texture.
                        var colorsToPack = hashToUnits.Value.First().PaddedColors;
                        atlasTexture.SetPixels(posX, posY, paddedUnitSize, paddedUnitSize, colorsToPack);
                        // Evaluate and assign UVs of the unit to the other units in the group.
                        var unitUVRect = new Rect(posX, posY, paddedUnitSize, paddedUnitSize).Crop(-paddingSize).Scale(1f / atlasSizeLimit);
                        hashToUnits.Value.ForEach(unit => unit.QuadUVs = unitUVRect);
                        hashToUV.Add(hashToUnits.Key, unitUVRect);

                    packedUnits.AddRange(suitableUnits.Value.SelectMany(u => u.Value));
                    suitableUnits = findSuitableUnitsToPack();

                // Crop unused atlas texture space.
                if (xLimit < minWidth) xLimit = minWidth;
                var yLimit = yToLastXMap.Last().Key + paddedUnitSize;
                if (yLimit < minHeight) yLimit = minHeight;
                var needToCrop = xLimit < atlasSizeLimit || (!forceSquare && yLimit < atlasSizeLimit);
                if (needToCrop)
                    var croppedWidth = xLimit;
                    var croppedHeight = forceSquare ? croppedWidth : yToLastXMap.Last().Key + paddedUnitSize;
                    var croppedPixels = atlasTexture.GetPixels(0, 0, croppedWidth, croppedHeight);
                    atlasTexture = Utilities.CreateTexture(croppedWidth, croppedHeight, name: atlasTexture.name);

                    // Correct UV rects after crop.
                    packedUnits.ForEach(unit => unit.QuadUVs = unit.QuadUVs
                        .Scale(new Vector2(atlasSizeLimit / (float)croppedWidth, atlasSizeLimit / (float)croppedHeight)));

                // Save atlas texture.
                atlasTexture.alphaIsTransparency = true;
                var savedTexture = atlasTexture.SaveAsPng(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(target));
                atlasTexturesProperty.arraySize = Mathf.Max(atlasTexturesProperty.arraySize, atlasCount);
                atlasTexturesProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(atlasCount - 1).objectReferenceValue = savedTexture;
                packedUnits.ForEach(unit => unit.AtlasTexture = savedTexture);

            return true;
elringus commented 5 years ago

If I've got it right, you're forcing the atlas to be larger just for the sake of preventing those error when creating sprites? Don't think that's a good idea, as the main purpose of this solution it to compress the textures as much as possible. Guess we'd have to either find some other solution or wait for Unity to allow using sprite rects without limitations.

GilbertoBitt commented 5 years ago

@Elringus that's exactly what I did. The other way around is create a sprite with size smaller but then the uvs and mesh must be small as well so it can be inside the generate small rect. And although is a big texture map because it is on base 2 we still get improved size base on the number of sprites used to create the Atlas. Or we can create a empty total white texture2D with the biggest size and use it to "trick" the sprite create method. But that means have a white with no alpha sprite just for a workaround the sprite Create limitation

GilbertoBitt commented 5 years ago

looking at the UnityCSReference Repository i find on the Sprites.bindings.cs this method.

// Workaround for Overloads as described in
        internal extern static Sprite CreateSpriteWithoutTextureScripting(Rect rect, Vector2 pivot, float pixelsToUnits, Texture2D texture);

so i think is possible to use reflection to expose it and use to create the sprites without the texture needed.

Tips: Use Reflection to invoke "hidden" method

elringus commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the info, I guess we're one step closer now :)


Sprite with the correct rect is now created, but it's rendered with a huge offset. Not sure why this is happening, maybe it's still somehow connected with the rect being larger than the texture.

GilbertoBitt commented 5 years ago

the rectsize if correct and the sprite uv, triangles and all is the correct size. the only problem is that it render from the center of rect size to >> and up só the only problem is the position where the sprite start render. or the rect size init position to up


GilbertoBitt commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the info, I guess we're one step closer now :)


Sprite with the correct rect is now created, but it's rendered with a huge offset. Not sure why this is happening, maybe it's still somehow connected with the rect being larger than the texture.

the problem was the pivot. i don't think the pivot calculation works like the other sprite.create. i just changed to Vector2.zero and the pivot is put on the center and work like a charm. since it's a method without documentation to add/change the pivot we need see how this will work if vector2.zero is the center and the new Vector2(0.5f,0.5f) make the sprite got half up and half spriteRect to the side. i think when you put new Vector2(-0.5f,-0.5f) i will got half spriteRect size down and left. but this mean it make the sprite be drawn on this position it now change the Sprite itself but the render of the sprite change position.

Edit2: the pivot calculation must be made on the mesh, uv or triangles to compensate the render position before create the sprite with the same pivot and apply vertex, indices and etc. since i don't understand so much about this calculation i didn't change a think just add the sprite.create to be always Vector2.zero


elringus commented 5 years ago

As I've mentioned in the PR, it doesn't work. I've also noticed that the extent of the offset depends on the diced unit size.

GilbertoBitt commented 5 years ago

As I've mentioned in the PR, it doesn't work. I've also noticed that the extent of the offset depends on the diced unit size.

can you give me more sprites to test it? i want to make more tests in different sprites.

elringus commented 5 years ago

Sure, here is the one from the screenshot with an offset: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2056864/61733209-f0950900-ad87-11e9-963f-6323d871d346.png

GilbertoBitt commented 5 years ago

@Elringus do you know a way to reposition the mesh/uv/vert position so it can be render like 50% to the left or up? If you know how let me know I'm stuck trying to understand how repositioning.

elringus commented 5 years ago

Changing the vertices position should be enough for a local offset, eg: https://github.com/Elringus/SpriteDicing/blob/2b819aab3014f3ef09f9fedbe6a9952cb5677cf2/Assets/SpriteDicing/Editor/DicedSpriteAtlasEditor.cs#L497

GilbertoBitt commented 5 years ago

i'm trying to learn how to calculate uvs an others things i looking into the SVG packge from unity they have a sprite generator using uv there.

void GenerateSprite(VertexHelper vh)
        var spriteSize = new Vector2(sprite.rect.width, sprite.rect.height);

        // Covert sprite pivot into normalized space.
        var spritePivot = sprite.pivot / spriteSize;
        var rectPivot = rectTransform.pivot;
        Rect r = GetPixelAdjustedRect();
        var drawingSize = new Vector2(r.width, r.height);
        var spriteBoundSize = sprite.bounds.size;

        // Calculate the drawing offset based on the difference between the two pivots.
        var drawOffset = (rectPivot - spritePivot) * drawingSize;

        bool hasColorAttribute = sprite.HasVertexAttribute(VertexAttribute.Color);
        if (hasColorAttribute)
            s_SpriteColor = sprite.GetVertexAttribute<Color32>(VertexAttribute.Color);

        bool hasTextCord2Attribute = sprite.HasVertexAttribute(VertexAttribute.TexCoord2);
        if (hasTextCord2Attribute)
            s_TextCord2 = sprite.GetVertexAttribute<Vector2>(VertexAttribute.TexCoord2);

        var color32 = color;

        Vector2[] vertices = sprite.vertices;
        Vector2[] uvs = sprite.uv;
        for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; ++i)
            vh.AddVert(new Vector3((vertices[i].x / spriteBoundSize.x) * drawingSize.x - drawOffset.x, (vertices[i].y / spriteBoundSize.y) * drawingSize.y - drawOffset.y), 
                hasColorAttribute ? color32 * s_SpriteColor[i] : color32, uvs[i]);

            // VertexHelper access to uv2 isn't great work around the API for now. Copy current vert out and then back with the proper uv2 if we have it.
            if (hasTextCord2Attribute)
                vh.PopulateUIVertex(ref s_TempVertex, vh.currentVertCount - 1);
                s_TempVertex.uv2 = s_TextCord2[i];
                vh.SetUIVertex(s_TempVertex, vh.currentVertCount - 1);

        UInt16[] triangles = sprite.triangles;
        for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Length; i += 3)
            vh.AddTriangle(triangles[i + 0], triangles[i + 1], triangles[i + 2]);
GilbertoBitt commented 5 years ago

right now i'm just able to generate sprite on the right size with pivot always on center here is the CreateSprite method.

private Sprite CreateSprite (string name, Texture2D atlasTexture, List<DicedUnit> dicedUnits)
            var vertices = new List<Vector2>();
            var uvs = new List<Vector2>();
            var triangles = new List<ushort>();

            #region Functions

            void AddDicedUnit (DicedUnit dicedUnit) => AddQuad(dicedUnit.QuadVerts.min, dicedUnit.QuadVerts.max, dicedUnit.QuadUVs.min, dicedUnit.QuadUVs.max);

            void AddQuad (Vector2 posMin, Vector2 posMax, Vector2 uvMin, Vector2 uvMax)
                var startIndex = vertices.Count;

                AddVertice(new Vector2(posMin.x, posMin.y), new Vector2(uvMin.x, uvMin.y));
                AddVertice(new Vector2(posMin.x, posMax.y), new Vector2(uvMin.x, uvMax.y));
                AddVertice(new Vector2(posMax.x, posMax.y), new Vector2(uvMax.x, uvMax.y));
                AddVertice(new Vector2(posMax.x, posMin.y), new Vector2(uvMax.x, uvMin.y));

                AddTriangle(startIndex, startIndex + 1, startIndex + 2);
                AddTriangle(startIndex + 2, startIndex + 3, startIndex);

            void AddVertice (Vector2 position, Vector2 uv)

            void AddTriangle (int idx0, int idx1, int idx2)

            // Reposition the vertices so that they start at the local origin (0, 0).
            Vector2 TrimVertices (Rect rect)
                if (rect.min.x > 0 || rect.min.y > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++)
                        vertices[i] -= rect.min;

                var pivotX = rect.min.x / rect.size.x;
                var pivotY = rect.min.y / rect.size.y;
                return new Vector2(-pivotX, -pivotY);

            // Evaluate sprite rectangle using vertex data.
            Rect EvaluateSpriteRect ()
                var minVertPos = new Vector2(vertices.Min(v => v.x), vertices.Min(v => v.y));
                var maxVertPos = new Vector2(vertices.Max(v => v.x), vertices.Max(v => v.y));
                var spriteSizeX = Mathf.Abs(maxVertPos.x - minVertPos.x);
                var spriteSizeY = Mathf.Abs(maxVertPos.y - minVertPos.y);
                var spriteSize = new Vector2(spriteSizeX, spriteSizeY);
                return new Rect(minVertPos, spriteSize);

            Vector2 GetSpriteSize()
                var minVertPos = new Vector2(vertices.Min(v => v.x), vertices.Min(v => v.y));
                var maxVertPos = new Vector2(vertices.Max(v => v.x), vertices.Max(v => v.y));
                var spriteSizeX = Mathf.Abs(maxVertPos.x - minVertPos.x);
                var spriteSizeY = Mathf.Abs(maxVertPos.y - minVertPos.y);
                return new Vector2(spriteSizeX, spriteSizeY);


            foreach (var dicedUnit in dicedUnits)

            var ppu = pixelsPerUnitProperty.floatValue;
            var spriteRect = EvaluateSpriteRect().Scale(1);
            var originalPivot = TrimVertices(spriteRect);
            var pivot = keepOriginalPivotProperty.boolValue ? originalPivot : defaultPivotProperty.vector2Value;

            //new sprite pivot
            var keepSize = spriteRect.size;
            var drawOffset = Vector2.zero;
            drawOffset.x = (spriteRect.size.x * pivot.x);
            drawOffset.y = (spriteRect.size.y * pivot.y);

            // Public sprite ctor won't allow using a rect that is larger than the atlas texture.
            var sprite = typeof(Sprite).GetMethod("CreateSpriteWithoutTextureScripting", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static)
                ?.Invoke(null, new object[] { spriteRect, pivot, 1, atlasTexture }) as Sprite;
            sprite.name = name;
            sprite.SetIndices(new NativeArray<ushort>(triangles.ToArray(), Allocator.Temp));
            sprite.SetVertexAttribute(VertexAttribute.Position, new NativeArray<Vector3>(vertices.Select(v => new Vector3((v.x/spriteRect.width) * keepSize.x - drawOffset.x, (v.y/spriteRect.height) * keepSize.y - drawOffset.y)).ToArray(), Allocator.Temp));
            sprite.SetVertexAttribute(VertexAttribute.TexCoord0, new NativeArray<Vector2>(uvs.ToArray(), Allocator.Temp));

            return sprite;

at least no matter the image it can generate the sprite inside the rect correctly but i'm still missing something. image image

edit1: OBS: to use the generate sprite on the image component remember to activate the "user sprite mesh" option.


elringus commented 4 years ago

Fixed in #6