elupus / hass_nibe

Home Assistant Nibe Uplink Integration
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List of parameters using Postman #158

Closed B1rdEater closed 1 year ago

B1rdEater commented 1 year ago


I've succesfully managed to install the integration; but now trying to find out which data my heatpump shows through its Nibe uplink API.

If I understand correctly, one could do a API GET request (api/v1/systems/{systemId}/serviceinfo/categories?parameters=true). How do I do this with Postman? Can anyone help me out?


elupus commented 1 year ago

If you add it in home assistant you get all the API reports. You can also see the system id there.

With the commandline client in nibeuplink python lib you can list the systems and get the system id there.

Not really an issue with the integration so im going to close.

B1rdEater commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the quick reply!

The integration is made in a way that ALL entities that the API reports are translated to sensors?

I though you had to find out what the API reports (parameter number) and I need this to add sensors to Home Assistant. Currently there are 59 sensors in Home Assistant; thats not all the API is sending I guess?

elupus commented 1 year ago

It is mostly all sadly. There are one or two extras ive seen, but its far from all the pump supports. The extras ive found (forgotten which) where not interesting.

To get all parameters you need local access.

B1rdEater commented 1 year ago

Thanks! Didn't know that :). I read all these things about more info being available (but that should have been local, and not through API). Thanks for clearing that up.