Whenever I run server-side pipeline tests (e.g., pytest -v elyra/tests/pipeline) there are two artifacts produced that make it annoying when trying to check in and commit changes. Following the tests, a git status command will produce the following:
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
These files must first be cleared before their accidental inclusion into git.
If these are necessary to validate functionality, the test should make appropriate use of temporary directories so that these do not appear within the population of source-controlled files.
Whenever I run server-side pipeline tests (e.g.,
pytest -v elyra/tests/pipeline
) there are two artifacts produced that make it annoying when trying to check in and commit changes. Following the tests, agit status
command will produce the following:These files must first be cleared before their accidental inclusion into git.
If these are necessary to validate functionality, the test should make appropriate use of temporary directories so that these do not appear within the population of source-controlled files.