ember-cli / ember-page-title

Page title management for Ember.js Apps
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ember-engine + ember-page-title fails #112

Open sarathkumarbaskaran opened 6 years ago

sarathkumarbaskaran commented 6 years ago

Stack trace

ember.debug.js:26518 Error: Assertion Failed: Expected component:head-content to resolve to an Ember.Component but instead it was [object Object].
    at assert (ember.debug.js:13695)
    at validateType (ember.debug.js:13002)
    at Class.resolve (ember.debug.js:12704)
    at resolve (ember.debug.js:10640)
    at Registry.resolve (ember.debug.js:10311)
    at Registry.resolve (ember.debug.js:10315)
    at Container.factoryFor (ember.debug.js:9720)
    at Class.factoryFor (ember.debug.js:37715)
    at Class.componentFor (ember.debug.js:45690)
    at lookupComponentPair (ember.debug.js:47322)
ember.debug.js:26518 Error: Could not find module `test-engine/templates/head` imported from `test-engine/components/head-content`
    at missingModule (loader.js:247)
    at findModule (loader.js:258)
    at Module.findDeps (loader.js:168)
    at findModule (loader.js:262)
    at requireModule (loader.js:24)
    at Class._extractDefaultExport (index.js:392)
    at Class.resolveOther (index.js:113)
    at Class.superWrapper [as resolveOther] (ember.debug.js:45379)
    at Class.resolve (ember.debug.js:12695)
    at resolve (ember.debug.js:10640)
tim-evans commented 6 years ago

Hi, could you provide a reproducible test for this, either in repository form or ember twiddle form so I can help with this?

robclancy commented 6 years ago

This is related to https://github.com/ronco/ember-cli-head/issues/23.

robclancy commented 6 years ago

Latest version doesn't give the error above, but it also still doesn't work. Fails silently it seems.

robclancy commented 6 years ago

Okay so instructions on getting this working on 4.0.0 with an engine.

  1. add ember-page-title to the engines package.json

    "dependencies": {
    "ember-cli-htmlbars": "*",
    "ember-cli-babel": "*",
    "ember-page-title": "*"
  2. add headData to the engine.js services dependencies

    const Eng = Engine.extend({
    dependencies: {
    services: [
  3. add headData to the app.js engines dependencies

    const App = Ember.Application.extend({
    modulePrefix: config.modulePrefix,
    engines: {
    account: {
      dependencies: {
        services: [
  4. I think you now also need to override head.hbs. I'm not sure but worth a try to do it as mentioned in the docs. I couldn't get this working without overriding it in general.


robclancy commented 6 years ago

What I posted doesn't fully work. It works on fresh loads on any page. But only for the initial engine/app. So if you load an app route it works there only, all engines it won't. Or if you load into an engine then it doesn't work in app or any other engine.

tim-evans commented 6 years ago


robclancy commented 6 years ago

Engines are just a mess anyway.

omarhamdan commented 5 years ago

This worked for me: ember-page-title: 4.0.2. (Only tested with one engine) 1) add ember-page-title to the engines package.json

  "dependencies": {
    "ember-page-title": "*"

2) Create head.hbs file in ${engine-name}/addon/templates


3) add to ${engine-name}/addon/templates/application.hbs

robclancy commented 5 years ago

I did this change but I still have the issue of going in or out of an engine it doesn't work. What happens is the first loaded part (if app or engine) gets the page titles working but if you go to anything else it stops (going back works in the original area).

knownasilya commented 5 years ago

Could someone create an engine test PR so we can work on getting this resolved?

robclancy commented 5 years ago

I refactored away from engines and life has been easier, so this issue doesn't concern me anymore and I don't suggest anyone use engines at all. I'm gonna unwatch this.

danieledraganti commented 5 years ago

This is still an issue for me, since I have quite a big web app that I had to split with engines. Just to let you know. I'll try and look into the code when I have time. P.S. Engines are here to stay as far as I know, so I'm afraid this bug will have to be solved eventually... even though I realize it's a pain in the butt.

robclancy commented 5 years ago

@danidr we have a very big app, and using engines was a very bad decision (by me). Most problems they solve are being solved in other ways with ember octane. And it barely has development on them. So I recommend noone use them at all. I can share the script that I made to convert back into app if anyone wants it.

I'm confident you will continue to run into other issues are ember updates happen etc if you use engines (in-repo ones anyway, the out of repo ones that are more standalone I think are still mostly okay).

danieledraganti commented 5 years ago

@robclancy Sure, my comment was not directed towards you; let's say that besides some little things that needed to be worked around, engines are working fine for me, and as far as I understand, this is the way Ember is going for asynchronous loading of components/routes. In the current state, I see how it can be a headache for really complex apps, if they need more than 2-3 engines overall. I guess we'll see what the future of engines will be; I decided to go this way because it was a little more supported by the community and we were in dire need of separating some parts of the app logically (to be reused, instead of creating an add-on).

robclancy commented 5 years ago

and as far as I understand, this is the way Ember is going for asynchronous loading of components/routes.

Nope or engines would have been improved a lot more by now if they were using it as the solution to how big the app can get. Code splitting is what will be used here https://www.emberjs.com/statusboard/

Then organizing code will be improved with module unification (other reason I used engines at first).

danieledraganti commented 5 years ago

@robclancy Very interesting read, thanks. Well, each part has its role there. Please notice that

Engines is mostly production ready, and is used by major companies such as Chase and LinkedIn.

in that same article you have posted. Engines may not be the best choice if the only concern is asynchronous loading, and I think their use case is very specific. They are conceptually add-ons that can also be asynchronously loaded, and their most interesting feature is probably strict code separation. Bottom line is: I respect your point of view, and I too hope that engines will be reorganized (and possibly eliminated with module unification), but for now, it is a (albeit imperfect) way of solving a problem, and as such, I do hope that ember-page-title will support routed engines. Going back to the topic, being this a shared service, the behavior is strange. I'll try to see if I can contribute by finding some more information about the bug!

robclancy commented 5 years ago

Yes and after using it for 11 engines and seeing all the problems in discord over and over I don't think they should be recommended at all. I actually think it should be deprecated.

nightire commented 4 years ago

I've managed to make ember-page-title works with ember-engines@0.8.5, following these steps:

  1. add ember-page-title in your engine's dependencies list
  2. add 'head-data' and 'page-title-list' as dependent services in both the host app and the engine.
knownasilya commented 4 years ago

Would be awesome to get a pr for the readme @nightire

knownasilya commented 3 years ago

With v6, should no longer need the head-data service, since we no longer use ember-cli-head.

raido commented 3 years ago

As @knownasilya mentioned, with v6 only "page-title-list" service is required.

However we can definitely improve documentation for Ember Engine setup.

srsgores commented 3 years ago

@raido, what does the modified config look like for the engine addon? Can you provide a sample? For package.json of the engine addon, right?

raido commented 3 years ago

I'll try to test this out and come up with documentation PR.

bertdeblock commented 3 years ago

AFAICT the only steps needed are:

  1. The engine should have ember-page-title as a direct dependency (needed to have the page-title helper available)
  2. Define a dependency on the page-title-list service to make sure it uses the same instance as the host

Step 2 might be a little weird as I don't think we consider the page-title-list service as public.

We could also link to the ember-engines documentation for additional info on service dependencies: https://ember-engines.com/docs/services

KeithKosh commented 11 months ago

I'm running Ember 3.28 and ember-engines 0.9.0 (latest version of engines available), and I have noticed that the page title in an engine seems to display properly when the app loaded on a specific URL, but if you browse in the engine to another route the page title is reset to the Ember default -- if you reload again on this new engine route the proper title will then display.

I'm just using ember-page-title as a dependency on the engine and not referencing page-title-list anywhere.

Is this a known issue?