ember-engines / ember-engines

Composable Ember applications for ambitious user experiences
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cant create ember egine. Assertion Failed: Asset manifest does not list any available bundles #417

Open tyroneLord opened 7 years ago

tyroneLord commented 7 years ago

I am trying to create an ember engine from an addon following the docs below but i am getting an error. Uncaught Error: Assertion Failed: Asset manifest does not list any available bundles. below is my route form dummy/app/routes.js. i am following the directions line for line but cant get it to work.

import Ember from 'ember'; import config from './config/environment';

const Router = Ember.Router.extend({ location: config.locationType, rootURL: config.rootURL });

Router.map(function() { this.mount('pws-checks', {path: '/check'}); });

export default Router;

trentmwillis commented 7 years ago

@tyroneLord have you looked through https://github.com/ember-engines/ember-engines/issues/282 and verified your issue isn't the same as the one reported there? If you have, then a reproduction will be very helpful here.

Also, what docs are you referring to? You mention "docs below", but there is nothing "below" in this context.

jacefarm commented 7 years ago

I'd add that incompatibility could be an issue...

As Ember Engines is experimental and being developed against the master branches of Ember and Ember-CLI, be sure that you are using compatible versions.

gshah30 commented 7 years ago

@trentmwillis Is this issue still open? This is preventing us from adopting Ember Engines for our new app? Do we have any solution for this?

I have tried everything, including the methods listed in #282. Nothing seems to work.

Note: engine is mounted perfectly fine when I use the test/dummy application in the addon project as the parent app, but when I link it using npm into the real parent app, I get this error.

Assertion Failed: Asset manifest does not list any available bundles

I even tried the compatibility check as pointed out by @jacefarm. But does not work.

trentmwillis commented 6 years ago

@gshah since we haven't heard back from the reporter, I don't know if the issue is still valid or not. For the most part though, if you're running into this issue, it is likely due to a misconfiguration. Can't say for certain without a reproduction of the issue.

gshah30 commented 6 years ago

@trentmwillis Thanks for the reply.

I am not sure what corrected the issue, but it is working for me now. I think this is not a bug and results from some misconfiguration, as you said.

But, I am still not sure what misconfiguration it was.

Leooo commented 4 years ago

adding back "ember-addon" keyword in our engines' package.json, instead of (or in addition to) "ember-engine" fixed it, on our side.

rwjblue commented 4 years ago

Ya, engines have to be both ember-addon and ember-engine.