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[2.15.0] {{link-to}} inside a partial stopped working #15621

Closed kevinansfield closed 6 years ago

kevinansfield commented 7 years ago

After upgrading to 2.15.0 some of our tests started failing because a {{#link-to}} inside of a partial stopped working.

This is the {{link-to}} in question. When rendering there are no immediate errors but the generated href is just # and the data-test-user-id attribute is not output when testing. Clicking the link outputs this warning:

This link-to is in an inactive loading state because at least one of its parameters presently has a null/undefined value, or the provided route name is invalid.

Everything else inside of the partial still renders fine, it's just the link-to that fails.

Changing the partial to a component fixed the problem.

ivanvanderbyl commented 7 years ago

I've come across a similar problem in 2.15, it seems that a partial rendered inside a yielded block from a component doesn't receive the yielded parameters from that component.


// -name.hbs


export default Component.extend({
  name: "Ivan"


{{yield name}}


{{#my-component as |name|}}
  {{partial "name"}}

In this instance, the {{name}} variable in the partial is undefined.

steverhoades commented 7 years ago

The same thing happens with an #each iteration. The value from #each isn't passed to the context of the partial.

{{#each visibleContent as |record index|}}
  {{partial rowTemplate}}

Both record and index are undefined in the partial.

Serabe commented 7 years ago

Reproduction in 2.15. Same twiddle working in 2.14.

CrushedPixel commented 7 years ago

Interestingly enough, I can still reference a "lost" variable's property by its name, e.g. in the rowTemplate I could do record.id but not (get record "id"). Not sure if that's of any help debugging the issue.

thec0keman commented 6 years ago

Is this behavior legacy, or is there an alternative approach that should be considered? We've been trying to use components over partials, but for our largish app there are still many instances where this bug is breaking things. At this point, we are blocked from upgrading, and I am surprised this isn't affecting more folks.

rwjblue commented 6 years ago

No, this isn't legacy behavior per-se, but it is fairly uncommon. You should totally migrate to using components whenever you can (it is massively simpler to reason about), but we should absolutely fix this ASAP.

ivanvanderbyl commented 6 years ago

@rwjblue any pointers where I should start looking to help fix this?

rwjblue commented 6 years ago

I submitted https://github.com/emberjs/ember.js/issues/15674 with some failing tests cases. It seems the issue isn’t as simple as accessing bound property values within the partial (at least it didn’t seem so with my testing). I believe the underlying issue has to do with the way we generate the references used by things like if, unless, with, and get.

Sadly, I don’t have a smoking gun to point at though. :(

kjhangiani commented 6 years ago

we are also unable to upgrade due to this bug. similar to @thec0keman we have a fairly large ember app which was originally started using EAK, so there's still some lingering legacy functionality that we haven't yet brought to modern ember

we don't have a lot of partials left, but enough that this is a blocker for us until we have the time to migrate / test the remaining partials to components

jcbvm commented 6 years ago

This one should really get some higher priority, partials are broken since 2.15 and prevent people to upgrade from 2.14 to 2.16.

beatrizdemiguelperez commented 6 years ago


ivanvanderbyl commented 6 years ago

I'm going to take a look at this next week after EmberFest.

dsst95 commented 6 years ago

I've extended the twiddle of @Serabe and found out, that if a property with the same name gets defined in the controller, the partials gets the right value. But if a value in a array is undefined the partial still thinks that it has a truthy value.

dsst95 commented 6 years ago

This a bug in Glimmer. See in the referenced issue.

dsst95 commented 6 years ago

A new glimmer version with the fix was released. After updating the glimmer version this bug should be fixed. I've opened a pull request for updating the glimmer version.

rwjblue commented 6 years ago

FYI - The upgrade to Glimmer 0.29 is a large effort (and unlikely to happen before Ember 3.0.0), @chadhietala backported the fix to the 0.25 branch. We need to release that as a patch version and update to that version instead. I’ll try to get these releases done today...

GavinJoyce commented 6 years ago

@rwjblue LMK if there is anything that i can help with the release which includes the patched 0.25 branch (as I'm working on upgrading Intercom at the moment). As far as I can tell, it hasn't yet reached ember canary

jevanlingen commented 6 years ago

The same problem also exists if using the with helper:

{{#with someProperty as |youNameIt|}}
  {{partial somePartial}}

Probably the patch will fix this too, but to be sure I do mention it here!

tehmaestro commented 6 years ago

Hi. Is there a fix released for this issue? As far as i can tell, most of the helpers are somewhat affected when used in a partial. Is there a workaround?

GavinJoyce commented 6 years ago

Ember 2.16.1 has been released which should fix the issues with partials. Please let me know if you're still seeing issues

GavinJoyce commented 6 years ago

While these issues have been fixed, FYI I just found another issue with partials:


I'll work on fixing this later today

xe21500 commented 6 years ago

Are you guys completely sure it's been solved for 2.15? The twiddle from @Serabe (https://github.com/emberjs/ember.js/issues/15621#issuecomment-326823615) still fails on 2.15.3, but works on 2.16.1.

Incidentally, I've noticed that if you modify the partial to write the name, it actually prints the correct value...


Serabe commented 6 years ago

It is not. Ember 2.15 is not an LTS, so I don't think a fix will be coming.

rwjblue commented 6 years ago


xe21500 commented 6 years ago

Oh, ok. I thought the fix being backported to glimmer 0.25 would meant this working on Ember 2.15 too. Guess we'll skip directly to 2.16 then. Thanks!!